Friday, November 29, 2019

My Writing One Day Essays - , Term Papers

My Writing: One Day The one day of my summer vacation that I would love to relive would be this wonderful invigorating night. It all started out as I was sitting on a grassy knoll, I could tell that it was spring time from the cool breeze that was blowing through my hair, and the smell of fresh flowers all around me. The clouds were pastel colors, and it looked as if an artist had taken a paint brush to a canvas and made a beautiful masterpiece. As the sunset the colors faded, and the night sky looked the deepest blue my eyes have ever seen. The stars were dancing across the sky, and the man on the moon had an angelic grin as if the stars were there for his entertainment. I looked around me and it seemed as if this perfect world of wonderful aromas and glorious sites never ended. I knew I had to go, but I would return there someday. Than as I opened my eyes, I realized that my day dream was nothing but a fantasy. Even though in my dreams I still have the vision of this place...this place which I am still in search reality Bibliography none Poetry Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Endangered Species - American Crocodile

Endangered Species Paper The definition of an endangered species according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or most of its range of habitat. The only exception to this definition is in regards to insects that are considered pests and would represent a threat to the well being of humans under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act protects species classified as endangered from being hunted, imported, exported, sold, or threatened by other means. In addition to the protection the FWS also develops recovery plans for the species in which they work to re-establish the species in its natural habitat to a point where protection under the ESA is no longer needed. The American crocodile was first listed as endangered on September 25, 1975. The only place that it can be found in the U.S. is in the wetlands of Florida. American crocodiles live in areas where fresh and salt water mix together, such as coastal wetlands and canals. Crocodiles are large primitive looking reptiles with long bodies covered in jagged, leathery skin. They are closely related to the alligator and can be distinguished by a longer more slender snout, also they are light gray or tan while alligators are dark gray or black. One important adaptation of the crocodile is the ability to survive in waters of high salt concentration. American crocodiles eat a variety of crabs, fish, waterfowl, and small mammals. Their wide selection of prey constitutes them as a generalist in that regard. As babies crocodiles are vulnerable to many predators such as raccoons, birds, fish, and other crocodiles. Most hatchlings are eaten before they reach adult size. As adults crocodiles are at the top of their food chain and are threatened for the most part only by humans. Because of its wide selection of food crocodiles face little competition besides perhaps from the alligators who oft... Free Essays on Endangered Species - American Crocodile Free Essays on Endangered Species - American Crocodile Endangered Species Paper The definition of an endangered species according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or most of its range of habitat. The only exception to this definition is in regards to insects that are considered pests and would represent a threat to the well being of humans under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act protects species classified as endangered from being hunted, imported, exported, sold, or threatened by other means. In addition to the protection the FWS also develops recovery plans for the species in which they work to re-establish the species in its natural habitat to a point where protection under the ESA is no longer needed. The American crocodile was first listed as endangered on September 25, 1975. The only place that it can be found in the U.S. is in the wetlands of Florida. American crocodiles live in areas where fresh and salt water mix together, such as coastal wetlands and canals. Crocodiles are large primitive looking reptiles with long bodies covered in jagged, leathery skin. They are closely related to the alligator and can be distinguished by a longer more slender snout, also they are light gray or tan while alligators are dark gray or black. One important adaptation of the crocodile is the ability to survive in waters of high salt concentration. American crocodiles eat a variety of crabs, fish, waterfowl, and small mammals. Their wide selection of prey constitutes them as a generalist in that regard. As babies crocodiles are vulnerable to many predators such as raccoons, birds, fish, and other crocodiles. Most hatchlings are eaten before they reach adult size. As adults crocodiles are at the top of their food chain and are threatened for the most part only by humans. Because of its wide selection of food crocodiles face little competition besides perhaps from the alligators who oft...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Handling Discipline in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Handling Discipline in Organizations - Essay Example Moreover, it is always best to follow the best practices which will play a fundamental role at inculcating the correct spirit within the employees, tell them what exactly is asked of them and what they need to deliver within the specified time periods. The best practice in handling disciplinary matters within organizations is derived from the basis of following the dictum which is followed within the organization as well as the industries which are very closely related with this organization in essence. What this means is that the similar organizations adopt procedures and standards which are enforceable and which have a long-term shelf value. In other words, there is a sense of forthrightness within the organizations when these work hand in hand with the policy debates that are making the relevant rounds. The best practice regimes indeed form the cornerstone of success and achievement within the realms of an organization that is aimed at delivering the best possible value to its employees and asking for strict promulgation of the same from their domains as well. This indeed is a two-way hierarchy where each party benefits the other, and the combined effect is a wholesome basis which comes directly under the aegis of discipline. These best practice discussions are in accordance with the labor laws which are existent within the world. However, there are local connotations attached to these practices as and when these move from one industry to another. Handling discipline is one of the most significant premises in the modern times because it touches quite a few significant tangents, one such being the manner in which the organizations are playing their due role in instilling promulgation of its laws, rules, and policies – all of which are in line with the best practice regimes followed worldwide. Then there is the discussion of the ACAS – Code of Practice on Discipline which makes sure that any apprehensions which exist within the realms of discipline are taken care of under its aegis.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Respond to a question to an article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Respond to a question to an article - Assignment Example The staff meeting allows the employees to choose their departmental leaders. The departmental meetings will come up with a leader according to their own perception on who is the most approachable person. The decision bases on whom the employees can approach in case of a problem and who has the best problem solving techniques. The leaders will then organize their departmental meeting once a week. Their meetings should aim at discussing overall performance and production. Through the meetings, the departments will set objectives and achievable goals depending on the core objectives of the company. The dialogue and open communication creates a wider pool of information and feedback and this will allow the departmental leaders to make the best decisions. The departmental leaders will meet their CEO to inform him/her about the decisions made weekly. This technique allows for flexibility. This technique reduces time wasted in supervision as employees develop maturity and make their own dec isions faster. The problem solving technique in the company also gives the employees a sense of ownership in the company. The function of the manager will be to monitor the progress of the company and help cultivate more staff participation. The technique saves on time and creates intrinsic motivation within the departments. Constant evaluation through weekly meetings helps in correcting and adapting new techniques (Finally,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Macy's case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Macy's case - Essay Example Macy’s has for some period has been one of the most influential and innovative players in departmental store sector, contributing to adoption of numerous managerial and technological innovations that include data processing, store merchandising, inventory control, among others. By the 50s, almost every state, in America, had its own departmental store. However, fifty years later, this had changed drastically with a decline in sales. Macy’s decided on converting regional departmental stores into one brand while also repositioning the store in order to differentiate it from its competitors. While the move was derided in some quarters as futile due to the demise of the departmental store as a whole, some analysts were of the idea that the store’s strategy was vital in revitalizing the declining industry. Which factors in the external environment could affect (positively and negatively) the success of Macy’s new strategy? Which internal factors could affect th e success of the company’s strategy? Departmental stores are currently in danger of extinction. While there were thirty-five major chains of departmental stores in the 80s, there are only thirteen left in operation today. Conventional departmental stores in the 90s accounted for two and a half percent of total income for American households, which have dropped to 1.6%, forcing departmental stores to reinvent their business strategies or suffer the risk of being run out of business. This results in the emergence of two models in for the departmental store sector in search for a profitable return. One has been the strong retail brand. The approach has been successful for departmental stores in the promotion and creation of in-house merchandise brands. Departmental stores are, therefore, able to promote their brands and name, assuming that the brands will reach a significant level of popularity, as opposed to relying on individual third party brands. Another model involves the s howcase approach that involves leveraging vendors of brands that are accountable for a substantial share of the retail process. The key, in this model, is the promotion of the shopping experience attraction, although this model leads to lower margins of profit. One factor that affects retail sales is the economic environment that dictates the consumer’s expendable income. At Macy’s 2005 consolidation, the retail business operated under positive economic conditions. This changed in 2008 with the advent of the economic recession that stretched throughout 2010. Some improvement was noted in 2011, although this was tempered by the increased oil prices and an increase in cotton prices. Another factor was industry products and services with the new departmental store model of the 90s utilizing decreased space and coming to resemble specialty-clothing stores. Women’s products, such as cosmetics and apparel wear accounted for sixty percent of floor space, men, and child ren accessories accounted for 20%, and household goods accounted for 20%. The new model did away with traditional departmental store wares. Departmental stores placed increased emphasis on fashion, differentiating them from low-end competitors and responding to complaints of blandness from customers. Departmental stores also began attempts at developing unique positions from a selection of five categories including low end, lower middle, upper-middle, high-end

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Leadership approach and style in starbucks

Leadership approach and style in starbucks Q3.In publish statement, the CEO of Starbucks said if they had faith in me and my motives they wouldnt need a union (Seattle times 2.1.2007). What does this statement tell you about the CEOs view of leadership? Making reference to appropriate models and theories of leadership, provide a critical evaluation of the leadership approach and style in Starbucks. Introduction: Starbucks was started in early 70s by three friends and they introduced the beans coffee and its equipment to the market. Howard Schultz was a visionary person and he joined the company as a manger in Starbucks. Howard Schultz had the vision for the company and getting an idea of ready-to-drink coffee in a mug from Italy and introduced it in the Starbucks. He left the company in 1985 and started his own coffee shop with the name of Gironale. He always interested in Starbuck due to its inner capabilities. He bought the company in 1987 when previous owners decided to sell the company. Under Howards supervision and leadership, Starbucks grew rapidly. Schultz received an International Humanitarian Award in 1996. CEOs view of leadership: Many Scholars define leadership differently Leaders are individuals who establish direction for a working group of individuals who gain commitment form this group of members to this direction and who then motivate these members to achieve the directions outcomes (Conger, 1992). Chemers, M. M. (2002) Leadership is a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. CEO of Starbucks always admire people with talent and new ideas, he hired Howard Behar and Orin smith as financial and operational Managers. Starbucks achieved number of milestones under Schultz leadership and became the first private company in North America which provide benefits to part-timers and full-timers. According to the Starbucks CEOs statement If they had faith in me and my motives they wouldnt need a union reflects his powerful communication democratic skills as a leader. Exemplary leaders are devoted to building relationships based on mutual respect and caring (Watson, 1983). The mark of a successful leader is his ability to forecast the business trends and stay ahead of his competitors (Luthans, 1998). CEOs Motives: Howard believes in treating people with respect and dignity. He always cared about his employees and gave them the opportunities to come forward and show their abilities for the company. In 1999, Schultz stepped down from the post of CEO for Smith and continued as chairman and chief global strategist of company. According to Howards, treat people like family and they will be loyal and give their all and on his philosophy Starbucks created different benefit programs for employees including part timers. It consist of stock share plan, work life balance etc. Schultz played a major role in developing an employee ownership program at Starbucks shortly after he bought the company. He introduced Bean Stock plan in which all employees were eligible to get the shares of the company. Make them feel like an owner improved employees performance and to retain them. It boosted employee commitment and maintained low employee turnover (Long, 2002). Leadership Approach and style in Starbucks: For evaluating the approach and style in Starbucks I would like to take the help of some theories based on leadership approach and the style of leadership. According to Vechhio (2000) that Leadership might be based on function of personality or it can be seen as a behavioural category. Leadership is the act of influencing the performance of a prearranged set in its efforts toward goal scenery and goal attainment (Stogdill, 1950). Theories of Leadership Style and Approach: Charismatic leadership According to the researchers Charismatic leaders are those who persuade their followers because they have Unspoken capabilities in their communication or personality etc. researchers says that leaders communicate their ideas in such a way that they encourage their followers to achieve his vision (Jacobsen and House, 1999). According to Conger (1989) charismatic leadership approach is process of creating idea and persistent evaluation of the environment, corresponding vision by motivating and convincing arguments, structuring faith and commitment, attaining the vision by giving employees empowerment, using simple stories etc. Howard Schultz using this approaches provided them better work environment, involved them in decision making and also having a vision for rapid expansion which he communicated to his employees. Transformational Leadership Transformational leaders form a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents (Burns, 1978). The facts mentioned in case study about Howard Schultz shows that with different qualities of his leadership he was also a transformational leader. Schultz in early expansion of his business he transform a new strategy for the business and keep on introducing new things for the benefit of the company and for its employees. The transformational leaders motivate followers to do more than originally expected. Transformational leadership is consists of four basic components, Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation and Individualized consideration (Bass, 1985). Howard Schultz being a tycoon for the employees, it is likely to attract and motivate workers. In a company people look for its leaders Vision, passion, Decision-making and team building qualities (Vogan, 2007). Understanding the way of leadership we can refer to these approaches: Traits approach: Leaders are born and consists of certain inherited characteristics or personalities traits. The functional approach: Leadership skills can be learned and developed. Leadership as behavioural category: the kind of behaviour of people in leadership and influence on group performance. Style approach: concerned with effects of leadership on those being led. Contingency models: deals with importance of situations. Interactions between the variables involved in leadership situation and behaviour. If we look at the case study we can determine that in Starbucks Howard Schultz approach is more towards functional and style approach as he offered his employees opportunities to become leader and give them learning and development environment to polish their skills to fulfil the goals for the company. Need of a Union: Trade unions are group of people agreed together to achieve shared interests. Union is a blend of the group of employee and the organization. Unions works for their members to defend them from exploitation, collective bargain for wages and work condition, and career development. There is always a need of a union in any trade to preserve the benefits for both company and the employees (Flanders, 1970). Conclusion: According to the case study, Schultz being a leader treats his partners well and provided them with bundles of benefits and helped them in all kinds of problems but on the other hand Schultz did not realise the need of a trade union in the company which can also be beneficial for the company. He sacked every one who tries to join a union it shows that he is also a democratic leader. References: Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectation. New York: Free Press. Bass, B.M. (1990). Bass and Stogdills handbook of leadership. New York: Free Press. Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper Row. Chemers, M. M. (2002). Cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence of transformational leadership: Efficacy and Effectiveness. In R. E. Riggio, S. E. Murphy, F. J. Pirozzolo (Eds.), Multiple Intelligences and Leadership. Conger, J. (1992). Learning to Lead. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Conger, J. (1989). The Charismatic Leader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Long, R. J. (2002). Strategic Compensation in Canada. 2nd ed. Scarborough, Ontario: Thomson Learning. Flanders, A. (1970). Management and Unions, Faber Faber. Jacobsen, C. and House, R. J. (1999). The rise and decline of charismatic leadership Last accessed 12th July 2009. Patty Vogan, (2007). Five Key Traits of Great Leadership. Stogdill, R. M. (The Ohio State University Columbus, 1950). Leadership, membership and organization. Psychological Bulletin 47, p3. Vecchio, R. P. Organizational Behavior: Core Concepts, Fourth edition, Dryden Press. Question 4: Motivated and committed human resources were the key to success. What strategies has Starbucks used in order to gain the motivation and commitment of its employees? With reference to appropriate theories and models, provide a reasoned discussion of how the company can ensure the levels of motivation and commitment that it needs to succeed in the future? Committed Motivated employee: A lot of present-day authors have defined the concept of motivation. They defined motivation as it is a mental process that gives behaviour purpose and direction (Kreitner, 1995), a propensity to act in a purposive way to attain specific, unmet desires (Buford et al, 1995), an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need (Higgins, 1994) and the will to attain (Bedeian, 1993). Motivation is also stated as the inner strength that makes individuals to attain individual and organizational goals. Earlier employees were used as an extra input into the manufacture of commodities and facilities. However Hawthorne Studies may have changed the way of thinking about employees which was carried out by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1932. This study shows that employees are not motivated by money only but also their behaviour is linked to their attitudes (Dickson, 1973). In this current age every company need motivated and committed employees to achieve there strategic goals so as the Starbucks. Motivation program in Starbucks: Case study shows that in Starbuck motivated and committed employee have a great importance. Therefore Starbucks always put an extra input to assure recruiting motivated employees and after attaining them. Starbucks offers an interactive structure that encourages employees to commit themselves into their job and achieve a new level of performance. Howard Schultz knew the importance of the benefits to retain the employee that is why he introduced such benefits perks which was highly beneficial of the staff. He gave those benefits for both part and full time employees. According to Pinder (1998), Work motivation is a set of energetic forces that originates both within as well as beyond an individuals being, to initiate work-related behaviour, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration. Starbucks included paid vacation, sick leave, health benefits and stock options. It also offered flexibility in working hours for the workers and one-size fits all benefit for the employees, this benefit was also adopted by different service provider companies. Company also introduced Bean stock program for the employees. Starbucks applies different strategies to hire and attain their employees. Starbucks strategies to gain motivation commitment from its employees: After reviewing the case study, I identified some elements by using Starbucks achieve motivation and commitment from the employee. Selecting the right candidate for the job according to the criteria they have set. Investing on employee training and development and teaching them three main star skills enhance self esteem, listen and knowledge and ask for help. Empowering the employees by involving them in decision making. Giving employees flexible work hours to achieve work-life balance. Feed back system for the employees Equality in the status caption to show every one is equal. Giving them Owner ship by selling company shares to employee and labelling them as partners. As a result Starbucks kept growing in the market and expanded worldwide. Starbucks has low turnover, increase in sale and new openings of stores and good customer care. Theoretical Framework: To understand what motivated employees and how can they motivated was the centre of various researchers. There are five major theories which can make us understand about motivation which are Maslows hierarchy of need theory, Herzbergs two-factor theory, Vrooms expectancy theory, Adams equity theory, and Skinners reinforcement theory. I will discuss Maslows and Hezbergs Theory in context with Starbucks to understand the level of motivation of employees in Starbucks. Maslows Hierarchy of Need Theory If we understand Maslows theory then we come to know that he has discussed five levels of needs of an employee, physiological need, safety, social, ego and self actualisation (Maslow, 1943). According to the Maslow to motivate the employee, fulfil the lower need first and then proceed for the upper need in the hierarchy. Maslow also explained that man is a wanting animal, only an unsatisfied need can motivate its behaviour and the dominant need is the prime motivator of behaviour (Maslow, 1954). Hezbergs two factor theory According to the herzbergs there are two major factors in motivation of the employee: motivators and hygiene. They can also be known as intrinsic factor and extrinsic factor. In intrinsic such as independence, achievement in job and recognition of the work create motivation in employee, in extrinsic or hygiene factor consist on higher pay rate, promotion and penalties like disciplinary action or criticism that can create job dissatisfaction (Hezberg, 1957). In the light of these theories we can determine that Starbucks motivated its employees by empowerment, keeping their social need intact, equality in the company, investing heavily on training and development, rewarding highest pay in industry, giving them number of benefits which motivated employees intrinsically as well as extrinsically. On the other side researcher criticized that employees were not paid for work related injuries, increment was very little. Thus these kinds of factors may decrease the motivation of employees and their performance may reduce which may affect organisation negatively. According to the case study Hr policies are the best in the market and if we look at the employee turnover in Starbucks is far less than the other market turnover. In a survey Employee working in Starbucks more than 70% of the employees was satisfied by the policies in Starbucks. Howard Schultz says that You cant expect your employees to exceed the expectations of your customers if you dont exceed the employees expectations of management ( Conclusion: Fact mentioned in the case study shows that the policy of the Starbucks is well formed and beneficial for the company as well as for the employees even in the long run. Assuring the motivated employee is also well organised by the HR department in the company.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Illegal Immigration in America Essay -- Cons of Illegal Immigration, Im

Illegal Immigration in America America's past is made up of immigrants who have came and formed our country. However illegal immigration has now plagued our economy. What happens when you allow millions into the country, both legally and illegally? Exactly what is happening today? You have tens or hundreds of groups, made up of various nationalities, from various places. Forming themselves into isolated communities, and then trying to get the country to change for them. This paper confirms detailed information on how America is being altered by mass immigration and by uncontrolled illegal immigrants. Americans like to believe that people should have the chance to better themselves. That is why people come to the United States to make things better for themselves. They come here to ha...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nobel Prize Winner’s Talk

REPORT Nobel Prize Winner's Talk (A New Kilogram Next Year) Main Speaker: Nobel Laureate Professor Klaus von Klitzing Lecture Topic: â€Å"A New Kilogram Next Year – How my Nobel Prize Contributed to this Development Date: Tuesday 2nd October, 2018 TIME: 6pm VENUE: JFK Lecture Theatre, UWI Immediately upon being invited to the event I was unbelievably excited. It made me feel like this vast world suddenly became smaller and things that seemed unreachable became all the more possible and all the dreams that could ever be dreamt could be truly actualized. Of course getting credit for attending was just a plus, but having such a once in a lifetime opportunity, to hear from one of the Rock stars of the scientific world definitely could not be missed. They say that great leaders once had great mentors and that to be the best, you have to learn from the best. As such, hearing from one of the greatest minds in the world could not be passed. I had to know the secrets of his lifetime adventure. As I proceeded to the JFK Lecture Theatre, the surreal sunset and cool breezes brought an air of expectancy and anticipation. Located outside was a distribution table where we received additional reading resources. Upon receiving them, I walked inside not knowing what lay in the minutes ahead. The seminar, I found out, was hosted by CARISCIENCE (The network of Research and Development Institutions in the Basic Sciences in the Caribbean), in conjunction with the German Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, The Faculty of Science and Technology of the UWI, the University of Trinidad and Tobago and the University of the Southern Caribbean. This, I believed to be very commendable, having all the collegiate institutions coming together for a common purpose. This should be the goal of every individual, organization and the global community as a whole. The event launched the annual CARISCIENCE Nobel Laureate Lecture Series and this year they invited Noble Laureate Professor Klaus von Klitzing, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985, for his discovery that under the appropriate conditions the resistance offered by an electrical conductor is quantized; that is, it varies by discrete steps rather than smoothly and continuously. The lecture was moderated by Dr. Richard Taylor, while the opening remarks were given by Professor Dyer Narinesingh; the President of CARISCIENCE. He did elaborate on the goals and vision of the organization which included; a singular Caribbean intellectual space which encourages problem solving and converting knowledge into wealth creation. He also mentioned that they set out to foster collaboration with international affiliates which would expose stakeholders to relevant equipment, methods and technologies and henceforth be a voice for the Caribbean region. He also drew reference to Loreal's vision : Diversity + Inclusion = Innovation The objectives of the organization seemed relevant and highly necessary to facilitate the ongoing progress being made within the region. To create a competitive, highly innovative, critically minded workforce to create a name and competitive edge for our Caribbean citizenry. He ended with the notion that â€Å"it cannot be business as usual† if we are to continue to harness the potential of young minds in this time. The Welcome Address was then presented by Professor Indar Ramnarine, who encouraged â€Å"impactful research that should reshape the boundaries of your fields.† I found this highly motivating as we seek to be world changers in this age. Not only to occupy space but to make a distinct dent in our respective fields and make full use of the time allotted us, to better humanity. He also stated that, â€Å"It is not only possible to understand the intricacies of the world but also to improve it.† Ah yes, our vision should indeed be: to identify the problem, gauge the solution, implement the solution and continue to improve the solution. The Introduction of the Speaker was performed by Dr. Brian Cockburn, who articulated a summary of the career paths and accomplishments of Professor Klitzing. This only sought to inspire me more on this journey to think bigger and dream larger. As soon as the Nobel Laureate Professor Klaus von Klitzing commandeered the stage, instantly the fires of passion that burnt ever so brightly oh so many years ago, was distinctly evident, burning just as intensely even at this age. This jovial character, was clearly thrilled to be speaking about his life's work and the opportunities it still presented him today, in being able to visit the Caribbean. I immediately could not help thinking, wow, I hope at the closing end of my life, I still feel such passion, fervor and irradiate such vibrancy about the things that excite my soul. Not only was he surprisingly pleasant but his speaking skills were far from boring, as he carried us on the journey with him through the process of the discovery day, to giving us the information that we could indeed buy ourselves our own Noble Prize, however, in so doing not be privy to the elaborate â€Å"Hogwart-esque† feast they had to attend. It definitely seemed like something out of a storybook. He also mentioned the ages of the new Noble Prize winners for Physics this year, with Arthur Ashkin being 97 years and Gà ©rard Mourou being 76 years. Absolutely incredible! This just proves that age is just a number and that we should never let something like age stop us from achieving our full potential. This is a continuous learning process and Life is indeed the teacher. It demonstrates perseverance, diligence and discipline to the highest degree and there is lot to be learnt from their immense persistence to the task. (#whatisretirement?) As he proceeded to his topic â€Å"A New Kilogram Next Year – How My Noble Prize Contributed to this Development†, he explained how the initial constant was acquired. The Kilogram (kg), the basic unit off mass in the metric system and was considered equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram, a platinum-iridium cylinder (Big K), kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures laboratory at Sà ¨vres, France. The accuracy of every measurement of mass or weight worldwide, whether in pounds and ounces or milligrams and metric tons, depends on how closely the reference masses used in those measurements can be linked to the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK). The most minuscule of accuracy discrepancies would have tremendous impact in fields such as medicine, engineering and electronics, which are dependent on precise measurements. Consequently, it effects other phenomena like force, energy and luminous energy, which use it as fundamental building blocks for measurement. It has been identified that the cylinder is indeed changing in measurement due to gas initially used in its creation and is now slowly seeping out of the cylinder, consequently changing its dimensions making it an unreliable standard for measurement. To facilitate this, a drastic change had to be made and as such in November 2018, the international scientific community plans to redefine the kilogram by basing it instead on a constant of nature, making it a profound moment in the history of measurement. Thus, since the kilogram remains the only SI unit represented by an unstable artifact, the redefinition included expressing the kilogram in terms of Planck's constant, which would aid in avoiding future problems. Firstly, physicists required an accurate measure of Planck's constant which is the quantum-mechanical number that relates how a particle's energy relates to its frequency and through E = mc^2, to its mass. Thus once a fixed value is achieved to Planck's constant, a new definition of the kilogram can be derived. In order to measure Planck's constant precisely, two experiments are being conducted. One known as the Avogadro Project, involves counting the number of atoms in two spheres of silicon that each have the same weight as the Big K. Having obtained this number, the precise number of atoms comprising a particular substance, researchers can calculate Avogadro's constant, convert it for a value for Planck's constant and relate the kilogram to atomic mass. The second experiment uses an instrument called a watt (or Kibble) balance, which is a type of scale, that produces a value for Planck's constant by measuring a one-kilogram test mass, which is calibrated by using Big K, against electromagnetic forces. Planck's constant is proportional to the amount of electromagnetic energy required to balance the mass. Two differing universal constants are used in order to calculate the current and voltage that make up the electromagnetic force. The Josephson constant and von Klitzing constant are used. (Yes I got to meet one of the only two living remaining constants!!! I felt truly blessed.) The discovery of the von Klitzing constant, is part of the Quantum Hall Effect, which earned Professor von Klitzing, his Nobel Prize. While he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, experiments conducted led to observations of the effect of magnetic fields applied to semiconductors allowed to cool to extremely low temperatures. This led to the discovery that electrical resistance rose stepwise, rather than smoothly and continuously, indicating an integer fraction of a specific number, 25,812.807 ohms, now identified as the von Klitzing constant. Thus, the Quantum Hall Effect is now used worldwide for calibrating electrical resistances and the von Klitzing constant is utilized by the scientific community to measure current in a watt balance. Essentially, the fundamental constants can aid in establishing possible units that can retain their significance for lifetimes and species to come, through the Quantum Hall Effect. Additionally, we were rest assured that the new kilogram will be defined in such a way that nothing will change in our daily life. It will be indeed more stable and more universal. Granted that as Henry Marks stated, â€Å"Science is measurement. Everything you measure is expressed in units,† this was definitely a plus. He continued by explaining who decides the best definition of the SI Unit, which comprises of diplomats from sixty member states and forty-four associate states, at the General Conference on Weights and Measurements. The most recent having occurred in August 2018, based discussions to adapt a resolution that would replace the current SI, with the revised SI, provided the amount of data uncertainties pertaining to the current standard. The precondition for the new kilogram must be reliable, as well as have an uncertainty smaller than fifty micrometers. This stipulation was fulfilled in July 2017, and as such would be finalized at the next conference which is to take place in November 2018. Finally, he noted that the best values of fundamental constants, (h, e, c Kb, Na) creates the most stable basis for the new system of units and hopefully by the next General Conference on Weights and Measures in November 2018, will be the replacement for the present SI System. The Professor, was also sure to reinforce the need as scientists to question continuously. Question nature and the way things work. Question the problems posed to you. Question what you understand and what you want to solve. He emphasized the need to always stay curious and always gain inspiration from other subject matter, which would bring new perspectives and ideas to trains of thought. He also asked several questions that he left up to us to solve. They included:Are fundamental constants really constant?How do they change due to cosmic radiation, global warming, with time?Are there other fundamental constants in the universe?What happens if you combine other fundamental constants? (with regard to velocity of sound/gases and temperature)What impact does the Quantum Hall Effect have on living cells?Opinion of the role and future of physics in life Physics is the cornerstone of life and everything surrounding it. Every basic principle rests on the foundation of Physics (of course this is me being highly biased). It involves the study of matter, energy and their interactions and other sciences are dependent on its theories to further develop their own and improve the quality of life. I do believe we have the upper hand as physicists and a greater responsibility to society to find answers to the most fundamental questions in life. To explain why the world work as it does and to provide adequate, substantial, mathematically correct evidence to question the bases of such thought. Physicists perceive beyond the normal realm and consider factors outside regular streams of thinking and are then conditioned to think outside the non-existent box. This will prove ideal to the future of Physics in this society, as we break down to the fundamental backbone of structures and understand how they function, how they can be improved and how they can be manipulated by variables. This skill is essential for countless applications and is necessary for continued development in any sector. Technological advances can occur due to the discovery of new particles, forces and structures in the subatomic world. There would also be enhanced computational and calculation power causing extraordinary leaps and bounds unfathomable before. With this would also bring the onslaught of artificial intelligence integrated lifestyles to the common man, allowing multipurpose use. Not to mention the development of quantum artificial intelligence if large-scale computing is actualized. Vast use of computers and electronics would lead to even more advanced medical breakthroughs with prosthetics, which would enhance the human experience and even possible come to define consciousness in terms of nature's fundamental forces. Additionally with the exponential advancement in space technology, conditioning for studying and visiting the cosmos would seem closer to realization, even as space transport is made more readily accessible. Physics is indeed a driving force into a very futuristic ideal, expanding space and time, and blazing the trail for the reorientation of the human mind. Cheers to the future of Physics!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Greek Theatre essays

Greek Theatre essays What was the role of the theatre as an Athenian social institution? How did it attempt to reflect and direct the audiences sense of identity and community? In Greece, places of performance were usually connected with the sacred precincts of the gods . Greeks honoured each of their gods through annual festivals. In Athens four festivals were held each year in honour of Dionysus, it was during one of these festivals which was held at the City Dionysia that dramas were first presented. At these festivals playwrights, actors and choruses competed for prizes. When the play began, there was only three actors on the stage at once. They wore very elaborate costumes, and over their faces they wore mask with a wide mouth, so that everyone in the audience could hear and see them. The theatre in the City Dionysia was a great semi-circle on the slope of the Acropolis, with rows of stone seats. The front row consisted of marble chairs, these were reserved for the priests of Dionysus and the chief magistrates. Beyond the front row, was a circular space called the orchestra, where the Chorus sang, and in the centre of which stood the altar of Dionysus. Behind the orchestra, was a stage on which the actors acted, at the back of which was a building to which the actors retire when they were not wanted on the stage or had to change their costumes. The completed stone auditorium seated 14,000 people nevertheless only a small population could have attended at any one time, thus while the theatre may have been open to all, only about one -tenth could have attended any given performance. Due to this an introduction of tickets and admission fees were introduced, the price being two obols per- ticket. To equalize the opportunity to attend, theorical funds were introdu ced to provide tickets for the poor. Tickets admitted holders to a section r...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Natural Selection Among the Foraging Blue Jays

Natural Selection Among the Foraging Blue Jays David Stephens and Dack Anderson discussed the theory of short-term benefits as guide to animal feeding decisions. In a series of experiments conducted in an operant laboratory, blue jay birds were the subjects of the study. The foraging animals were tested in two situations namely the self control paradigm and the patch-use problems.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Natural Selection Among the Foraging Blue Jays specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The article details how natural selection among the foraging blue jays favour short term rules which result to long term consequences. The paper discusses how to combine time and amount in a suitable currency that mirrors the fitness consequences of different time/ amount sequences and determines the decision rules foragers apply to select the currency maximizing time/ amount sequence from a determined set of possibilities and investigating the relationship between decision r ules and currencies. Foragers’ farsighted way in choosing is contradicted by laboratory experiments where the blue jays made short sighted decisions. The logic of farsightedness is best illustrated in the traditional studies of Stephens and Krebs (1986) where long term rate maximizing currency is infinite gain/ infinite time however this logic cannot be generally valid because food gained after starvation is not of any use thus the expression is too farsighted. Two groups of scholars presented an alternative to this proposal where the best rate is attained one at a time thus being short sighted (Bateson and Kacelnik, 1996; Baum and Rachlin, 1969) but Stephens and Krebs (1986) argued that when the maximum rate is taken from each chance, time may be exhausted on a mediocre alternative. The authors concluded that both long term and short term models presented are of extremes thus introducing a discount rate which measures the comparative loss of value in order to create intermed iate term models. In this notion the long term model is determined when the discount rate is zero since the value of the gain is the same even if it was obtained early or late in a sequence but as the discount rate becomes larger the approach becomes that of the short term model. The discount rates are expected to be non-zero.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the authors, the long term model is the most sensible because it provides a rational estimate of rate even in a restricted time horizon. It is farsighted enough to pass over bad options and rational discount rates are small. Short sightedness is evident in the notion that animals often make prejudiced decisions which was concluded in the self control experiment. In a self control situation long term rate model predicts that animals will choose Gain1 over inter-trial interval plus delay before the small amount plus post feeding delay over the second alternative which is post feeding delay over inter-trial interval plus delay before the large amount as long as the former is greater than the later with consideration to temporal rates such as delay to food, post feeding delay and inter-trial delay. However these temporal rates are not treated equally by animals according to experiments. Evolutionary models can accommodate small discounting outcomes but they challenge the predictions of self control experiments. The latter show that short term hindrances have large effects. Scholars interpret such disagreements by disregarding the model and accepting the data. The blue jays were given a binary choice in the self control situation while the same subjects were given a choice to continue or leave where they follow a future patch alternative in the patch-use exploitation. The latter shows the effects of travel time on rate maximizing patch residence time. In the patch-use situation, the jays’ choice has comparable consequences but the subjects choose whether to wait in the patch and gather (G2 – G1) extra units of food or to leave at once after attaining a small amount (G1). In order to determine the different patterns of choices in the self control and patch-use contexts, the authors considered such in the context of 50 and 5 discount rate levels of delay to small. Results of the experiment concluded that when the delay to small was of ample amount (50) preferences of the blue jays were not affected by the ITI thus large outcome in the patch-use context was more favourable but when the delay to small was few (5), outcome was more complex. In the control situation, the jays’ favour for large decreased together with the ITI while in the patch-use situation the subjects’ favour increased for the large together with the ITI. The jays preferred large when the ITI was small in the self control situation while in the patch-use situation, t he foraging animals preferred large when the ITI was large.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Natural Selection Among the Foraging Blue Jays specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As predicted in the long term theory, the patch-use situation showed that the jays favoured large delayed outcomes as ITI increased but in the self control situation the outcomes are not the same. The authors presented situations that prove how results from both experiments (patch-use and self control) lead to long term rate maximizing. In the long term model situation results show that the patch-use context is in line with the long term rate model while the self control situation contradicts. According to the short term rate model, results of the self control treatment of binary choice conform to short term rate models while the outcomes of patch-use exploitation conforms to the long term rate currency. Both the self control and patch use situat ions were compared in the same rule different outcome analysis. This analysis resulted in the conclusion that in the patch-use experiment, short term rates were obtained with long term rate maximization but in the self control situation the conclusion differs. The authors concluded that short term rule always agrees with the difference in long term rates according to the patch-use exploitation situation though such rule produces outcomes in relation to short sighted behaviour in the self control situation thus the subjects use the same short term rule in deciding for both cases but producing different outcomes. For the adaptive short term rules scenario, it has been found out that the natural process of selection among foraging animals has favoured short term rate comparisons for they measure long term rate maximization in natural decision contexts. The hypothesis deals with the usage of the same rule in patch-use and self control contexts and the representation of patch condition a s natural foraging problems. The long term rate currency of foraging theory has been contradicted by self control studies and risk sensitive preferences. According to the risk sensitivity studies of Kacelnik and Bateson (1996), foraging animals favour changeable postponements even though unlimited time horizon rate models forecast indifference to unpredictability. The authors of the article argue that the evidence of self control of short term rules is not evidence of short term currency because in natural decision context, short term rules can have long term consequences.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Finally the authors theorized that pragmatic patterns of favour can be accounted by long term rate currency which includes reasonable levels of discounting. Foraging species favour attaining short term rewards with a minimal advantage over long term ones in abundance. The usual technique of elicitation of the inter-temporal discount rate has been critically challenged by scholars over the years when empirical studies discovered systematic violations of assumptions such as time consistency of preferences, stationary, constant discounting and utility maximization (Kalenscher and Pennartz, 2007). The discounted utility theory has limited descriptive validity because it fails to effectively depict the authenticity of inter-temporal choice behaviour. â€Å"Common difference and immediacy effects and the fact that preference reversals occur after deferring all choice alternatives into the future by the same interval, violate assumptions of consistent choice: (Kalenscher and Pennartz, 200 7). Foraging animals’ preferences do not depend on the proportion of gains and time in between such achievements but rather on the waiting time prior to the rewards. The technique becomes incoherent with the original and most favourable foraging formulation where animals are seen to sacrifice rather than maximize. The inter-temporal choice notion that it can be compressed into a single discount function is challenged by other variances such as the sign, magnitude and framing effects. When making inter-temporal decisions, foraging animals break vital assumptions in discount rates. Other limitations of such technique include the inability of long term theory to predict consistently the increase of favour for large together with ITI because choice in proportion cannot exceed 100% thus broad conditions exist where ITI has no effect. In the patch-use situation, ITI is hard to detect when favour for large is high, another drawback is with regards to the linear relationship in focus ing on temporal elements, where in reality the relationship between the amount and value can never be linear and lastly the authors’ assumption of animals’ preferences of short term rules over long term rules are not mutually exclusive. Critics of the usual technique of elicitation of the inter-temporal discount rate methods can be traced to their inability to provide consistent outcomes over time. Systematic violations also occur with regards to assumptions such as time consistency of preferences, stationary, constant discounting and utility maximization. These factors gravely affect results thus the method is questionable in providing valid outcomes in experiments. Hyperbolic discounting is inconsistent because it only measures the discounted outcomes of the near future and rather than the far future. The pattern of discounting is also inconsistent because how one subject’s decisions may be based on different aspects one considers than the other. In human beha viour discounting is influenced by the person’s expectations, moods, sign, glucose levels and the like which may differ from one person to another. Experimental ecology has provided a method in testing the inter-temporal choice behaviours of human beings though discounting can only provide outcomes of the near future and is limited to predict results in the far future, experimental ecology enables scholars to study patterns of choice. Patterns can be explained through discounting methods offered by the experiment in distinguishing the delay and interval of discounting. The experiment can help scholars analyse human behaviours in terms of people’s decisions and the future consequences they regard in making such choices by considering the variability of discount rates the experiment may provide. Experimental ecology provides scholars close to accurate approximations of outcomes through a series of controlled examinations of hypothesis and theories. It enables scholars to manipulate evidences and test models where distractions in their natural habitats may disrupt findings. If a model disagrees with data, the former will be rejected and the latter will be followed accordingly. In determining the feeding decisions of foraging animals such as blue jays, Stephen and Anderson compared the self control and patch-use experiments where in the former the jays were given a binary choice, obtain gains in a short period of time even if it is a few in quantity or wait for a period of time and obtain more gains while the in the latter case jays are given a choice to attain a gain and leave or continue and receive more gains. In both experiments the approach is similar but outcomes vary. In the self control approach the authors found out that it tends to lean on the short term model and that the patch-use situation is associated with the long term model. Techniques in the elicitation of inter-temporal discount rates help predict outcomes in behaviours of foraging animals in their decisions towards feeding but it presents limitations such as the violations of the theory’s assumptions and the consistency of predictions which may present as a problem in synthesizing conclusions for experiments. Furthermore, the assumption of linear relationships in the experiment deemed itself inconsistent because in reality relationships can never be linear. Though experimental ecology has its critics, contributions of such in the field can be attributed to its ability to control external factors that may disrupt results of the study and through experimentations theories and hypothesis can be proven through actual examinations. Reference List Bateson, M and Kacclnik, A 1996. â€Å"Rate currencies and the foraging starling: the fallacy of the averages revisited†, Behavioural Ecology, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.341-352. Baum, W and Rachlin, H 1969. â€Å"Choice as time allocation†, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, vol.12, no. 6, pp .861-874. Kacclnik, A and Bateson, M 1996, â€Å"Risky theories – the effects of variance on foraging decisions†, American Zoology, vol. 36, pp.402-434. Kalenscher, T and Pennartz, C 2007, â€Å"Is a bird in the hand worth two in the future? The neuroeconomics of inter-temporal decision making†, Progressive in Neurobiology, pp.1-32. Available from: [26 December 2011]. Stephen, D and Krebs, J 1986, Foraging theory: Monographs in behaviour and ecology, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Saving for the Future Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Saving for the Future - Coursework Example However, owing to the notion of time value of money, the buyer would be required to save an amount different from that of $25,000. Taking the 5 year interest rate of 0.78% (U.S Department of The Treasury, 2012), the saving required annually amounts to the future value of an annuity (ordinary) assuming that $125,000 will be required after 5 years. This amounts to: 125,000= C* {(1.0078^5)-1/0.0078} = $24,613.03 Where: C= unknown i= 0.78% n=5 This is based on the following formula: FV (annuity) = C * {[(1+i) ^n – 1] / i} (Brigham & Houston, 2011) Where: C = Cash flow per period i = interest rate n = number of payments Two factors highly influence the future value of the cash flows calculated today; firstly, the periods for which they are calculated and, secondly, the rates at which they are calculated (Brigham & Houston, 2011). In both cases, the future value of the savings today is directly related to the interest rate and period. Higher the interest rate or period at which cash flows are calculated, greater the amount of future value of the investments made at T=0 (Brigham & Houston, 2011). Furthermore, the fact that whether savings are made at the beginning or end of a particular period, as well as the number of compounding periods also matters (Brigham & Houston, 2011). ... However, if changes are made to the number of compounding periods such that the number of compounding periods is 12 instead of 1, the resultant savings would then be: (125,000 / 76.213)= $1,640.134 which is approximately $1,640 The total annual investment/savings would translate to: $24,613 x 5= $123,065 if compounded annually On the other hand, the net investment/savings for five years would be: $98,400 (1,640 x 12 x 5) if calculated using monthly compounding. The savings bear an annual opportunity cost of $24,665 Furthermore, it has been observed that the rate of interest is apparently low owing to the riskless nature of Treasury Bills (Brigham & Houston, 2011). This is based on the simple rule underlying financial theories that the rate of return is positively associated with the level of risk (Brigham & Houston, 2011). A higher risk translates to higher return and vice versa. As opposed to T-bills, if the savings are channelized into corporate bonds, they will reap a higher rate of return compared to T-bills because these bonds are riskier compared to T-bills both in terms of riskiness of principal and interest payment. If the investment in these corporate bonds was made on a rate that is compounded annually, the savings required in order to obtain $125,000 towards the end would be lower than the amount shown in initial calculations. Thus, the net effect would be that the investor will lose money by investing in T-bills rather than corporate bonds representing an opportunity cost. To sum up, there are two alternatives available to an individual investor in order to accumulate $125,000 at the end of the year: to invest in corporate bonds or to invest in T-bills. The option that investor chooses entirely depends on his/her attitudes towards risk (

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Understanding the Leadership Basics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 20

Understanding the Leadership Basics - Case Study Example This is a case study which focuses on integrity as one of the basic ingredients that should be understood as far as becoming a leader and practising responsible leadership is concerned. One of the essential characteristics that define a leader with integrity is the clear self-knowledge. A leader of integrity usually has a clear and definite self-knowledge in terms of strengths, weaknesses, abilities, self-insight, and even capabilities. A good leader who demonstrates integrity should be able to balance these traits of self-knowledge. Warren mentions leaders know their assets and faults and they deal with these in a direct manner since none of them lies to themselves and in particular about themselves (34). This implies that leaders who properly know who they are and what they are consisted of have no problems reinventing themselves. Some world’s most prolific and famous leaders have shown that they possess this characteristic, an example being the current United States President Barak Obama who has become a people’s hero through self-knowledge and self-reinvention. Another characteristic that essentially defines a leader of integrity is maturity. Integrity in leadership is not complete without the element of maturity since leading is not necessarily ordered issuance or showing the way. Maturity in leadership comes through experience and it is through it that a leader shows the ability to be dedicated and being observant while working and learning from others. According to Warren, leaders who are capable of locating the element of maturity and its qualities in themselves possess the gear necessary in self-encouragement (35). President Obama is a mature, ambitious and powerful political leader who through the slogan â€Å"Yes we can† demonstrates that great that great things are achieved through focusing on possibilities and not dwelling on limitations.   Therefore, any leader is considered to be full of integrity if maturity can be located in their modes of operation, criteria of decision making and means of conflict resolution.Â