Thursday, October 31, 2019

Writting health care business paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Writting health care business paper - Essay Example The organizations can prioritize them, work on the solutions and provide a cost effective measure to it that will attract the clients and increase the business. Based on the data that is given for the possible causes of health and illness conditions, accidents top the fatal count of children. If some emergency recovery centers are established, could prove as a decisive factor in improving the client feedback. The data provided is classified age wise, and for persons in the age of 45, cancer and heart problems are the prime cause of illness. For persons aging around 74, chronic diseases tops the list. Finally on general assessment, the evaluation of the economic condition would help greatly in identifying key market niches. For example, Jehovah's Witness community revenue details are most appealing considering the fact they just followed a single policy of implementing private insurance and Medicare. Such scenarios boost the economy of the region and thereby allow other organizations to tread the same path. Innovative Medical Groups Innovative Medical, a $265 million revenue medical group is considered to be the biggest competitor for MCMPC. It has more than 1100 employees and is expanding its serving region with its new alignment with County Regional Medical Center. Provided below are the basic details of the group. Their strengths, weakness as well as the opportunities and threats in comparison with MCMPC are detailed here. Strengths The main backbone of Innovative medical groups is their strategic planning headed by Dr. Schwartz, who has a degree of MBA aiding him in managing things effectively. He has a great record in dealing... Threats With about 50% of the residents of the county trying to relocate themselves, it is posing a bigger threat for the group to make them come back for treatment. It is demanding that several advanced technologies have to be implemented in order to sustain the same rate of client visits to the group. But this investment does not 100% ensure that the profits will be sustained. It is posing to be a serious threat. Partnership Analysis In order for MCMPC to regain its financial stability and stature in the market, it needs to partner with any of the two potential partners currently doing service in the same profession. It has to do it in order to achieve new strategy based advantages, similar to the way Innovative Medical has achieved through its collaboration with CRMC. Following are the analysis and consultation views on what would be the best association for MCMPC that could be with either Good Sisters or Riverside Hospitals. Good Sisters Association If Good Sisters is considered to be the partner, then there are certain pros and cons that need to be taken into account. The pros include that Good Sisters is present in the southern part of the county; partnering with it would increase benefits reaped through this association in that region. Apart from this sole reason, there is not much that would enhance the chances of partnership relationship.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why Educators Should be Appreciated and Paid More Essay Example for Free

Why Educators Should be Appreciated and Paid More Essay The people who hold the education to our future and its on coming generation should be millionaires. Why is it that movie stars or athletes earn way more money than teachers? Teachers seem to be the lowest paid professionals who need a degree to do their job. Educators play a vital role in our economy and society. Teachers are the backbone of our civilization, without them society will destabilize. In this essay I will be discussing why teachers are of great importance to our society. I will also be discussing why teachers deserve a higher pay than what they are earning now; and finally my last stand will be why educators should Teachers are by far the single most important profession field in the world. They teach students how to think, how to do math, how to write, how to read and many other important life skills. What would happen if Educators did not exist? We would turn into a country like Ethiopia, one of the top 10 least educated countries in the world. This would be the downfall of our civilization. Teachers aren’t recognized enough for the time and effort they put into their teachings of their classroom. Education is important to any nation that would want its citizens to prosper and pursue a higher stand on education. Each profession occupies a specific niche in society, doctors cure, engineers design and bankers handle our cash. Teaching, however, stands out as a more prominent entity. Teachers instill the transcendent faculties of communication, decision-making and awareness of social responsibility. No matter what field we chose to pursue later on in our lives, we again turn to teachers f or training. A strong information base and best-developed capabilities of knowledge and analysis are important for progress. These crucial responsibilities of knowledge instilment, kindling inspiration and encouraging creative though are all vested in the teacher. The role of Educators is valuable and significant to a society. They are one of the main pillars of a progressive society. Teachers bear the weight and responsibility of teaching, and apart from parents, they are the  main source of knowledge. From the age of four, a child finds himself in the hands of a teacher. Throughout our lives, our teachers inspire us and treat us like their own children and make us learn from their experiences. They make us strong enough to stand on our feet and face any challenge. A teacher is much more important than a doctor or engineer. It is the teacher who makes doctors and engineers. Because of this, teachers are considered to be above all in Hindu mythology. It’s teachers who shape the life of y oung children throughout their lives. Because it is a comprehensively low paid job, today’s generation cannot understand the importance of a teacher. The truth about teachers is a truth in itself, and will always remain so.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Oral Communication English Forms Functions and Strategies

Oral Communication English Forms Functions and Strategies 1.0 Introduction When we refer in the question context, oral communication in english: forms, functions, and strategies to a group of english language instructors at a local college/university, the first think in our mind is oral communication Communication is the activity of conveying information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the senders intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast online in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender. Communication as an academic discipline, sometimes called communicology, relates to all the ways we communicate, so it embraces a large body of study and knowledge. The communication discipline includes both verbal and nonverbal messages. A body of scholarship all about communi cation is presented and explained in textbooks, electronic publications, and academic journals. In the journals, researchers report the results of studies that are the basis for an ever-expanding understanding of how we all communicate. Communication happens at many levels (even for one single action), in many different ways, and for most beings, as well as certain machines. Several, if not all, fields of study dedicate a portion of attention to communication, so when speaking about communication it is very important to be sure about what aspects of communication one is speaking about. Definitions of communication range widely, some recognizing that animals can communicate with each other as well as human beings, and some are more narrow, only including human beings within the different parameters of human symbolic interaction. 2.0 The Oral Communication Process According to Shannons (1948) model of the communication process is, in important ways, the beginning of the modern field. It provided, for the first time, a general model of the communication process that could be treated as the common ground of such diverse disciplines as journalism, rhetoric, linguistics, and speech and hearing sciences. Part of its success is due to its structuralist reduction of communication to a set of basic constituents that not only explain how communication happens, but why communication sometimes fails. Good timing played a role as well. The world was barely thirty years into the age of mass radio, had arguably fought a world war in its wake, and an even more powerful, television, was about to assert itself. It was time to create the field of communication as a unified discipline, and Shannons model was as good an excuse as any. The models enduring value is readily evident in introductory textbooks. It remains one of the first things most students learn abo ut communication when they take an introductory communication class. Indeed, it is one of only a handful of theoretical statements about the communication process that can be found in introductory textbooks in both mass communication and interpersonal communication ( Shannons (1948) Model of the communication process The ecological model of communication, shown in Figure 6, attempts to provide a platform on which these issues can be explored. It asserts that communication occurs in the intersection of four fundamental constructs: communication between people (creators and consumers) is mediated by messages which are created using language within media; consumed from media and interpreted using language.This model is, in many ways, a more detailed elaboration of Lasswells (1948) classic outline of the study of communication: Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect. In the ecological model, the who are the creators of messages, the says what are the messages, the in which channel is elaborated into languages (which are the content of channels) and media (which channels are a component of), the to whom are the consumers of messages, and the effects are found in various relationships between the primitives, including relationships, perspectives, attributions, interpretations, and the continuing evolution of languages and media. It is in this layering of interdependent social construction that this model picks up its name. Our communication is not produced within any single system, but in the intersection of several interrelated systems, each of which is self-standing necessarily described by dedicated theories, but each of which is both the product of the others and, in its own limited way, an instance of the other. The medium is, as McLuhan famously observed, a message that is inherent to every message that is created in or consumed from a medium. The medium is, to the extent that we can select among media, also a language such that the message of the medium is not only inherent to a message, but often an element of its composition. In what may be the most extreme view enabled by the processing of messages within media, the medium may also be a person and consumes messages, recreates them, and makes the modified messages available for further consumption. A medium is really none of these things. It is fund amentally a system that enables the construction of messages using a set of languages such that they can be consumed. But a medium is also both all of these things and the product of their interaction. People learn, create, and evolve media as a vehicle for enabling the creation and consumption of messages. The same might be said of each of the constituents of this model. People can be, and often are, the medium (insofar as they act as messengers), the language (insofar as different people can be selected as messengers), or the message (ones choice of messenger can be profoundly meaningful). Fundamentally a person is none of these things, but they can be used as any of these things and are the product of their experience of all of these things. Our experience of messages, languages, media, and through them, other people, is fundamental in shaping who we become and how we think of ourselves and others. We invent ourselves, and others work diligently to shape that invention, through our consumption of messages, the languages we master, and the media we use. Language can be, and often are, the message (that is inherent to every message constructed with it), the medium (but only trivially), the person (both at the level of the language instinct that is inherent to people (following Pinker, xxxxx) and a socialized semiotic overlay on personal experience), and even the language (insofar as we have a choice of what language we use in constructing a given message). Fundamentally a language is none of these things, but it can be used as any of these things and is the product of our use of media to construct messages. We use language, within media, to construct messages, such as definitions and dictionaries) that construct language. We invent and evolve language as a product of our communication. As for messages, they reiterate all of these constituents. Every message is a partial and incomplete precis of the language that it is constructed with, the medium it is created in and consumed from, and the person who created it. Every message we consume allows us to learn a little more about the language that we interpret with, the medium we create and consume messages in, and the person who created the message. Every message we create is an opportunity to change and extend the language we use, evolve the media we use, and influence the perspective that consumers of our messages have of us. Yet fundamentally, a message is simply a message, an attempt to communicate something we imagine such that another person can correctly intepret the message and thus imagine the same thing. This welter of intersecting McLuhanesque and interdependencies provides a second source of the models name. This model seeks, more than anything, to position language and media as the intermediate building blocks on which communication is built. The position of language as a building block of messages and and communication is well understood. Over a century of study in semantics, semiotics, and linguistics have produced systematic theories of message and language production which are well understood and generally accepted. The study of language is routinely incorporated into virtually all programs in the field of communication, including journalism, rhetoric and speech, film, theater, broadcast media, language arts, speech and hearing sciences telecommunications, and other variants, including departments of language and social interaction. The positioning of the study of media within the field of communication is considerably more tenuous. Many departments, including most of those na med in this paragraph, focus almost entirely on only one or two media, effectively assuming the medium such that the focus of study can be constrained to the art of message production and interpretation, with a heavy focus on the languages of the medium and little real introspection about what it means to use that medium in preference to another or the generalized ways in which all media are invented, learned, evolved, socialized, selected or used meaningfully. Such is, however, the primary subject matter of the newly emerging discipline of media ecology, and this model can be seen as an attempt to position media ecology relative to language and messages as a building block of our communication. This model was created specifically to support theories of media and position them relative to the process of communication. It is hoped that the reader finds value in that positioning 3.0 Interpersonal Communication Judging from the types of interaction in communication, communication can be distinguished in three categories: interpersonal communication, small group communication and public communication in Malaysia context. What is Interpersonal Communication: Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information among persons with at least one or the other usually between two people who can immediately know. According Devito (1989), interpersonal communication is the delivery of messages by one person and receiving a message by another person or a small group of people, with different effects and the opportunity to provide immediate feedback. Interpersonal Communication is communication between people in face to face, which allows each participant to catch other peoples reactions directly, either verbal or nonverbal. Interpersonal Communication is communication that only two people, such as husband and wife, two colleagues, two close friends, teachers, students and others. Interpersonal communication is the communication between the communicator with communicant, communication is considered the most effective type of effort to change attitudes, opinions or behavior of a person, because of its dialogic form of conversation. At the launch of communications, communicators know for sure whether positive or negative communication, successful or not. If he could give the communicant to the opportunity to ask the widest. Classification of Interpersonal Communication developed a classification of interpersonal communication to the intimate interaction, social conversation, interrogation or examination and interview. Intimate interaction, including communication between friends, family members, and those who already have a strong emotional bond. Type of face to face communication essential to the development of informal relationships within the organization. For example, two or more people together and talk about the attention, interests external to the organization as a political issue, technology and others. c) Interrogation or inspection is an interaction between a person who is in control, is requested or even demanded information from the other. For example, an employee accused of taking the goods, the organization will superiors to know the truth. d) The interview is one form of interpersonal communication in which two people engage in conversation in the form of questions and answers. For example, a boss who interviewed his subordinates to seek information about a job. 3.1 The purpose of Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication may have several purposes. Finding Yourself One goal of interpersonal communication was found personal or private. When we engage in interpersonal meetings with other people we learned a lot about ourselves and others. Interpersonal Communication provides an opportunity for us to talk about what we like, or about ourselves. It is very interesting and exciting when discussing feelings, thoughts, and our own behavior.   By talking about ourselves with others, we provide an incredible source of feedback on the feelings, thoughts, and our behavior. Discovering The World Outdoors Interpersonal communication only makes us to understand more about ourselves and others who communicate with us. A lot of information that we know comes from interpersonal communication, although many of the amount of information that comes to us from the mass media that is often discussed, and finally learned or discovered through interpersonal interaction. Develop and Maintain Relationships The Full Meaning One of the biggest desire is to form and maintain relationships with others. A lot of times we use in interpersonal communication to establish and maintain the permanence of social relationships with others. Changing Attitudes and Behavior Many times we use to change the attitudes and behaviors of others by interpersonal encounter. We can wish they chose a particular way, such as trying a new diet, buy a certain item, see the film, wrote the book to read, to enter certain areas and believe that something is true or false.   We have a lot of   the time period involved in the interpersonal position. To Play And Pleasure Playing covers all activities that have the main goal is to find pleasure Talking with friends about our activities during the weekend, discussing the sport, telling stories and funny stories in general it is a conversation to pass the time. With that kind of interpersonal communication can provide an important balance in mind the need relax from all the seriousness in our environment. To assist The members of the psychiatric, clinical psychologist and therapist interpersonal communication in their professional activities to direct clients. We all also work to help others in our interpersonal interactions daily. We consulted with a friend who dropped out of love, in consultation with the student on a course that should be taken and so forth. Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness started with five general quality to be considered: transparency (inclusive, and accountable), empathy , the attitude of support, and equality. 3.2 Openness (inclusive, and accountable) Quality of disclosure based on at least three aspects of interpersonal communication. First, effective interpersonal communicators should be open to the people who interact . This does not mean that people should immediately open up all the history may attract, but usually does not help communication. Instead, there must be a willingness to open themselves to disclose information that is usually hidden, so long as the disclosure itself is worth. The second aspect of transparency refers to the willingness of communicators to respond honestly to the next stimulus. People who live, not critically, and no response in general is a dreary conversation participants. We want people to react publicly to what we say and we are entitled to expect this. There is nothing worse than a lack aeven much more enjoyable. We show openness to spontaneously react the way for others. The third aspect concerning the ownership feelings and thoughts. Open in this sense is acknowledged that feelings and though ts that you throw is really yours and you are responsible for it. The best way to express this responsibility is the message that using the word. 3.3 Empathy Henry Backrack (1976) defines empathy as the ability to know what is being experienced by others at a certain moment, from the viewpoint of the other person, through the eyes of other people. Sympathy, on the other is the feeling of others or go to feel grief while empathy is to feel something like a person who experienced it, is in the same boat and feel the same feeling the same way. Empathic person is able to understand the motivations and experiences of others, feelings and attitudes, as well as their hopes and wishes for the future. In nonverbal, to communicate our empathy by showing (1) active engagement with people through facial expressions and gestures are appropriate, (2) includes a centralized concentration eyes, attentive posture, and physical proximity, and (3) touch or caress the proper. The attitude of support (supportiveness) Effective interpersonal relationship is a relationship where there is the attitude of support. The formulation of a concept based on the work of Jack Gibb. Open communication and empathic cannot take place in an environment that does not support. We showed the attitude to be supported by descriptive, not evaluative, spontaneous, non-strategic, and provisional, not very confident. 3.5 Positive attitude (positiveness) We communicate a positive attitude in interpersonal communication with at least two ways: express a positive attitude, and positively encourages people to interact with our friends. A positive attitude based on at least two aspects of interpersonal communication. First, interpersonal communication, if someone has developed a positive attitude toward themselves. Second, positive feelings to the situation of communication in general is very important for effective interaction. Nothing is more fun than to communicate with people who do not enjoy the interaction or does not react favorably to the situation or environment interactions. 4.0 Small Group Communication Small groups can as any collection of individuals who touch each other for a particular purpose and have a degree of organization among them. Most researchers define a small group should be composed of at least three members and no more than twelve or fifteen members. If a member of a group that fewer than 3,easy to apply and when a member of more than 12 people were the group will have trouble. In small groups, each group member must be free to interact and be open to all members of the group. Each team member must have a purpose or a common goal and they should work together to achieve that goal. 4.1 Culture The word culture is the result of combining the words Budhi and power. The word Budhi is borrowed from the Sanskrit language mediators fitness of mind and intellect, while the power is a Malay word meaning Polynesia authorized strength, power and influence. When combined the word culture is to mean power of mind, spirit or energy of moving the soul. Culture as a way of life which is made by people who are members of certain groups and include elements of social systems, organizational structures of economic, political, religious, beliefs, customs, attitudes, values, cultural tools such as those generated by community members. Generally speaking, culture is a way of life practiced by an individual or group of individuals (society). It includes various tools that are created and used, ways of thinking and beliefs passed down from generation to generation. Culture does not only refer to the heritage, ethnicity or race, but it is also determined by age, gender, age, lifestyle and economi c status. The Group is the first time in life as we join the family system, a group of friends at school, or maybe our neighbors. Most times this group provides the communication needs for affiliation (affiliation), authentication (Affirmation) and affection (affection). 4.3 Working Group This type of group on a more formal and the rewards will be received as a result of completion of a task. The group we got and learn the values and norms of behavior we are.   It a standard (standard) for us to compare ourselves. In other words, we assess our successes and failures based on results given by all members of the reference group. Reference group may be primary or secondry. Group that is accompanied by an individual. However, her participation intended to be the benchmark. Participation is simply alone. For example, individual in uniform units sometimes just to meet alone. 4.4 Gender Gender aspects are important elements in determining the value, actions and way of life. In many communities, members are given certain privileges and recognition based on gender. Thus, gender becomes a key determinant of the tasks and roles assigned. For example, in Malay society, men are given priority to be a leader or leaders, especially in families and small groups. In a small group of men usually like to dominate the group and its members, but the problems that exist in small groups are often created by men. 4.5 Practice The practice or habit is the basis of the so-called tradition. It refers to the procedure to do something that is followed by every member of the group concerned and for generations. For example, in each of the ethnic cultural groups, there are certain procedures (traditional) to celebrate births, marriages and deaths. Every human community to impose rules (taboos) to control the behavior of certain members. Taboo is actually a manifestation of what is important for each group. 5.0 Public Communication Communication is a complex process of exchanging messages through words, symbols, expressions and body language. Public communication involves the sending and receiving of messages on a large scale to and from the general public. Public communication includes mass media, public relations and public speaking, but can include any form of sending a message to a large group of people. Effective public communication is a skill that is learned and perfected over time.   Public communication is the sending and receiving of messages on a large scale that impacts groups of people. For the communication to be considered effective, the messages must be clearly and accurately sent and received with full comprehension. 5.1 Purpose The purpose of effective public communication differs based on the intention of the message. For example, a public relations representative might use mass media to repair a companys public image after an alleged scandal breaks out. In this situation, effective public communication is intended to inform the public. On the other hand, a billboards intention is to entice an audience to buy a product or service. Effective public communication is used to inform, educate, persuade and inspire the audience. 5.2 Types Effective public communication can manifest itself in different ways. Public speaking in any form is considered public communication. This can be a school assembly, a business meeting or a presidential speech at TV, radio, newspaper or any other mass-produced medium, is another type of effective public communication. 5.3 Results The result of effective public communication is the successful delivery of a message to a large group of people where each individual is impacted and moved to take action. Effective public communication is able to relate to the individual needs of the listeners while speaking to the masses. Effective public communication causes listeners to respond to the public communications message. 5.4 Considerations Effective public communication must refrain from biased words, philosophies and ideologies. For example, when the president is making a speech, his words and thoughts need to be portrayed in a universal way so that one group does not feel isolated or left out. Effective public communication keeps statements generic and neutral to gender, race and religious beliefs. 6.0 Conclusion My conclusion for Oral Communication in English: Forms, Functions, and Strategies in the Malaysian Context in short, the transmissive model is of little direct value to social science research into human communication, and its endurance in popular discussion is a real liability. Its reductive influence has implications not only for the commonsense understanding of communication in general, but also for specific forms of communication such as speaking and listening, writing and reading, watching television and so on. In education, it represents a similarly transmissive model of teaching and learning. And in perception in general, it reflects the naive realist notion that meanings exist in the world awaiting only decoding by the passive spectator. In all these contexts, such a model underestimates the creativity of the act of interpretation. Alternatives to transmissive models of communication are normally described as constructivist: such perspectives acknowledge that meanings are act ively constructed by both initiators and interpreters rather than simply transmitted. However, you will find no single, widely-accepted constructivist model of communication in a form like that of Shannon and Weavers block diagram. This is partly because those who approach communication from the constructivist perspective often reject the very idea of attempting to produce a formal model of communication. Where such models are offered, they stress the centrality of the act of making meaning and the importance of the socio-cultural context.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Overview of Different Theories of Motivation Essay -- Motivational The

Cherry, Kendra. (2013). Theories of Motivation: A closer look at some important theories of motivation. The Incentive Theory of Motivation states that people do things, such as work because of the rewards that come with. For example, a child might help his grandmother clean in order to receive cookies. His motivation is the reward of the cookies. In the working world, people get rewarded by other rewards. Some of these rewards are salary, security, and health benefits. Taylor, F. W. (1964). Shop Management. In Scientific Management (Vol. 1, pp. 17-20). New York and London: Happy and Brothers Publishers. Retrieved April 17, 2014 This article provides excellent information about Frederick Winslow Taylor’s research on motivation and the science of management. It provides an interesting perspective on motivation through looking at management as a science. Frederick Winslow Taylor believed that naturally, people do not like to perform tasks and work and they need to be pushed. Workers also need to be controlled. Miner, B. John. (2005). Library of Congress Catalog-In-Publication Data. One very important motivational theorist is Frederick Herzberg. Herzberg developed a motivational approach known as the Motivation Hygiene approach. This approach contains to hypothesis on how people are motivated to work. The Achievement Motivation Theory explains three motives that drive people to work harder. They are achievement, power, and affiliation. The only way an individual... ....(2011). Principles of Business Management: A real World Approach. P. 275-293 Taylor, F. W. (1964). Shop Management. In Scientific Management (Vol. 1, pp. 17-20). New York and London: Happy and Brothers Publishers. Retrieved April 17, 2014 McGraw-Hills, . (2012). Business Management Boundless, . (n.d.). Expectancy Theory. In Boundless. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from Adams, S. J., & Freedman, S. (1976). Equity Theory: Toward a General Theory of Social Interaction. In Experienced Social Psychology (Vol. 9, pp. 44-46). New York, NY: Academic Press Inc. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

To read and understand the literature, it must be read slowly and using all the senses in it. Literature could teach us several things to understand life and their situations. The purpose of this writing is to discuss a literary work through a personal experience. The poem that will be discussed in this essay will be â€Å"Still I Rise† by Maya Angelou. This is her famous poem ever known. This author is a very good writer, I am reading her poems for the first time and I liked her poems so much. This poem suggests that we can overcome difficulties in life, despite rejections and injustice. It also discusses racism and all the problems black people could have because of the discrimination and all the things that involve racism. It is a call for the blacks to be proud of their origin. The black person (the author), seems liberated from her color. This poem also tells to us the importance of being strong in front of the worst circumstances. And no matter the situation, you can overcome and learn from it. In this case, the author exposes the racism in the time of slavery. The poem has a very positive tone. Also, it is written for all type of people, I mean that anyone could read it and would understand its purpose very easily and quickly. The author says that no matter what, she will still rise. This poem has a lot of feelings; you can feel it when you are reading it. I think that the author had a painful past to have written this poem. Also, it is written for all type of people, I mean that anyone could read it and would understand its purpose very easily and quickly. You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise. † Maya Angelou in this verse openly shows the white people discrimination towards black. Everyone has had a moment of discrimination in life, where we have spent many negative things. I have being identified personally with the author. Although I was not present at the time of sla very, I have been a victim of much other discrimination. I have been a victim of many other negative things that I have passed. About a year and a half ago, I lost my boyfriend because of a chronic disease. Now, my dad has the same disease and that makes me feel very sad, because I'm living the same situation. It is a very difficult situation, because I am reviving all the things that I passed along his disease. But I have been overcoming and willing all of it with my Lords help. Sometimes, we feel that we can’t live with a very strong emotional charge. That is when we have to be reborn and rise as the author says in her poem. We have to rise and overcome all the problems and situations in our life even worse than the most. In conclusion, life is not easy as it seems. Life is full of obstacles and setbacks that we couldn’t avoid because fate wants it that way. I think that people have always to believe in themselves and don’t let other people to put them down. As the author, Maya Angelou has rise despite all the bad and painful that ever happened her life. We need to learn from this poem and take example. I think it's a very good poem to enhance and analyze the meaning of life and our purpose in it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quantitave Plating

BioSci 101 – Lab Section 810 QUANTITATIVE PLATING PURPOSE The purpose of this lab is to see the effects of pasteurization while emphasizing the process for serial dilutions. PROCEDURE See references (1) RESULTS As the dilution factor increased for both the raw milk (unpasteurized) and pasteurized milk samples, the number of colonies decreased. The number of cells/mL in the pasteurized milk sample is considerably less than the number of cells/mL in the raw milk sample. RAW (UNPASTEURIZED) SAMPLE Dilution Factor| Number of Colonies| Number of cells/mL| 10-3| TMTC| TMTC| 0-4| TMTC| TMTC| 10-5| TMTC| TMTC| 10-6| 284| 284,000,000 cells/mL| 10-7| 44| 440,000,000 cells/mL| | AVERAGE| 362,000,000 cells/mL| PASTEURIZED SAMPLE Dilution Factor| Number of Colonies| Number of cells/mL| 10-3| 71| 71,000 cells/mL| 10-4| 9 (TLTC)| TLTC| 10-5| 6 (TLTC)| TLTC| 10-6| 1 (TLTC)| TLTC| 10-7| 12 (TLTC)| TLTC| | AVERAGE| 71,000 cells/mL| DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS Pasteurization, a process named after sc ientist Louis Pasteur, involves the application of heat to destroy the majority of human pathogens in foods.In the dairy industry, pasteurization involves the â€Å"heating of every particle of milk or milk product to a specific temperature for a specified period of time without allowing recontamination of that milk or milk product during the heat treatment process. † (2) For public health purposes, pasteurization is the process of making milk and milk products safe for human consumption by destroying all bacteria that may be harmful to health. (2) A serial dilution is a laboratory technique in which a substance is decreased in concentration in a series of proportional amounts. Dilutions are usually made in multiples of 10. 3) The viable plate count procedure allowed for live cells in the milk samples to be analyzed. The raw milk (unpasteurized) sample demonstrated too many colony forming units to count in the first three dilutions of 10-3, 10-4, and 10-5. The 10-6 dilution d emonstrated 284,000,000 cells/mL and the 10-7 dilution demonstrated 440,000,000 cells/mL. This demonstrates that raw milk contains a lot of bacteria even after multiple serial dilutions. In the 10-3 pasteurized sample, the plate exhibited 71,000 cells/mL. The results of the additional dilution samples contained too few colony forming units to count.However, in the 10-7 dilution, although the plate demonstrated 12 colonies, there should have been no colony forming units on this plate. The reasons for this could have been that this sample was contaminated from â€Å"double-dipping† the sample before dispensing it onto the plate or when using the pipette, it mistakenly was inserted in a higher concentration sample and then immediately to a lower concentration sample before it was dispensed onto the plate. The results suggest that pasteurization kills most pathogens in milk by brief exposure to relatively high temperature.This was demonstrated most beneficially with the 10-6 and 10-7 dilutions wherein the raw milk exhibited 284,000,000 cells/mL and 440,000,000 cells/mL respectively and the pasteurized milk had too few cell colony forming units to even count. Unpasteurized milk is not healthy for people to drink. For example, in a study performed in December of 2001, the bacteria Campylobacter jejuni, a microaerophilic bacteria commonly found in animal feces, was found in unpasteurized milk at an organic dairy farm in Wisconsin and caused 75 people, ages 2 to 63, to become ill. 4) Therefore, pasteurized milk is essential for ensuring good quality, nearly bacteria-free drinkable milk. REFERENCES 1. BioSci 101, Section 810 – PowerPoint Lab 9A 2. http://www. foodsci. uoguelph. ca/dairyedu/pasteurization. html 3. BioSci 101, General Survey of Microbiology Laboratory Supplement Fall 2012 4. http://foodsafety. ksu. edu/articles/1138/Raw_Milk_Outbreak_Table. pdf

Growth in the informal tourism sector in Sri Lanka Essay Example

Growth in the informal tourism sector in Sri Lanka Essay Example Growth in the informal tourism sector in Sri Lanka Essay Growth in the informal tourism sector in Sri Lanka Essay Sir Lankan Tourism Stronger Growth in the Informal Sector? The new breed of tourists The Flash -Packers Sacral Malthusian There is no doubt that the overall tourist arrivals to Sir Lankan has shown YOU growth in the past few years. Almost all hotels are returning healthy revenue, occupancy and profitability figures. However there are some rumblings from the larger established hotels that the performance has been not all that spectacular as compared to previous years. From an overall country perspective it is indeed quite easy to check the truth behind these concerns. To do this, one has only to study in greater detail the growth In the large and small establishments separately as reflected In the Foreign Guest Nights and published by Sir Lankan Tourism Development Authority (SALAD) Itself. Foreign Guest Nights (FOG) are recorded directly from Individual hotel establishments, which indicate the actual number of 1 nights spent in a particular hotel by foreigners. (There is also separate data on Local Guest Nights). The SALAD also publishes a further sub-division of Figs into two categories, called FOG in Graded Establishments and Supplementary Establishments. Graded Establishments are categorized by SALAD as conventional star class hotels, while Supplementary Establishments are the smaller guest houses and home stay units (the so called Informal sector), registered with SALAD. The SALAD also tracks the average number of days a tourist has spent In the country, which has been In the order of 9. 8 10 days per violators. Dividing the Figs by the length of stay, would then reveal the exact number of foreigners who have stayed in the hotels and other establishments. Hence it is not a major exercise to ascertain separately the actual number of Derived from SALAD statistics : Analysis The total number of tourists as recorded by the Emigration department and published by the SALAD for 2011 was 855,975, while the real tourists as determined by FOG statistics of the SALAD is 725,889, which is a 16 % leakage factor, of tourists of this leakage could also be the tourists who stay in the large number of unregistered small Bed and Breakfast units that have sprung up in all popular tourist 2 cities on the round trip circuit, whose statistics are not caught up in the SALAD records. Also significant from the analysis is that there was a growth of 21% in all the graded establishments, while the (informal) supplementary sector grew by a spectacular This shows clearly that the informal sector has grown much faster than the formal sector for 2011 (The breakdown of 2012 statistics giving FOG is still not available with the SALAD). The Future So what of the future? Should we all rush to set up small B units and stop the development of large scale conventional hotels? Should conventional hotels drop their rates drastically, to try and attract the lower end market? These are all knee-Jerk responses. What Sir Lankan tourism basically needs today is a tragic approach to growth. 3 The Informal Sector and the New Breed of Tourist Certainly, the growth in the informal sector is very interesting. It is fuelled by strong social media, networking and internet platforms, together with the fact that traveling and exploring Sir Lankan today is very safe and quite feasible to do on ones own, rather than depend on guided tours as a few years before. Hence, it is no surprise that a new segment of adventure seeking tourists are fuelling this growth, spending less on their hotel utilizing no frills budget on accommodation, and spending more n exploration and adventure. This new segment of tourists are called Flashback, a combination of flash (as in fancy), with backpacking, used to refer to an affluent backpacker. Blackjacking has an association of more disposable income while traveling, and has been defined simply as backpacking with a bigger budget. It includes the use of a backpack or other luggage that is easily carried for long distances or long periods of time; the use of public transport; inexpensive lodging; a longer duration to the trip when compared with conventional vacations; and an interest in meeting the locals as well s seeing the sights. It is typically associated with young adults, who generally have This is not really a bad situation. Actually, this market segment should be strengthened as it is a vibrant driving force, which brings exposure and limelight to the country. It is precisely due to this growth, that Sir Lankan has found favor as Lonely Planets No. 1 destination for 2013. It is this segment of the market that grew some 80%, and which is still reliant on guide books such as Lonely Planet, and GAPS Map interfaces. This growth in the informal sector products is fast catching up with the conventional toll segment. SALAD statistics indicate close upon 15,000 rooms in the conventional hotel 4 category while the supplementary (informal) category rooms have risen to 11,600. If the unregistered informal category, which is possibly quite large, is added to this, it will be evident that the informal category of rooms already out-numbers the formal sector. This is indeed an eye opener, where possibly in the future, the informal tourism industry will have a greater say in setting the course of tourism of the country. Conventional Hotels So what has happened to the conventional hotel segment? They have far too long rested on their laurels, enhancing their performance on the post war spectacular growth in numbers and revenues (room rates). No careful redesign of product and service offerings has been done on a major scale, to add value and greater experience, which seems to be what the market is demanding. The conventional hotels with large number of rooms offering the same old restaurant options and facilities are lost in the crowd. There are no real unique selling propositions or differentiating aspects. On the further end of the scale, the higher end boutique hotels offering luxurious, rationalized and custom built products and service offerings are succeeding in maintaining high growth. Conclusion Sir Lankan tourism therefore, needs to take a step backward, and call time out, to take a good hard look at the new market forces that are impacting the industry, and causing paradigm shifts in the way we need to do things. New value added products and service offerings are needed, breaking out of the conventional shackles to help Sir Lankan tourism grow in a sustainable manner, and to become a mature tourism destination. All photographs by the Author 5

Sunday, October 20, 2019

a long recovery essays

a long recovery essays When he accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for the presidency in 1932, Franklin Roosevelt pledged "a new deal for the American people" (Atack, 1994, p. 625). When he assumed office, the American system of democratic capitalism faced a crisis of monumental proportions. Economic distress and social unrest were widespread. In 1929, Hoover's first year as president, the prosperity of the 1920s capsized. Stock prices climbed to unprecedented heights, as investors speculated in the stock market. The bender, in which people bought and sold stocks for higher and higher prices, was fueled by easy credit, which allowed purchasers to buy stock "on margin." If the price of the stock increased, the purchaser made money; if the price fell, the purchaser had to find the money elsewhere to pay off the loan. More and more investors poured money into stocks. Uncontrolled buying and selling fed an upward spiral that ended on October 24, 1929, when the stock market collapsed. The great crash shattered the economy. Fortunes vanished in days. Consumers stopped buying, businesses retrenched, banks cut off credit, and a downward twist commenced. The Great Depression lasted through the 1930s. Since the crash of '29, the value of common stocks had declined from $89 billion to $15 billion. Between 1929 and 1932 GNP dropped in constant 1928 dollars from billions $197.1 to $143. Real output fell 29 percent. Total gross investment fell from 15 percent of GNP to one percent. Consumption dropped by more than one third. Unemployment increased from 3.2 percent in 1929 to 21?25 percent in 1933(Picture 4). About 13 million Americans were officially out of work. Farm prices and farm income had appreciably fallen. On the eve of the March 1933 inauguration, the nation's banking system collapsed as millions of panicky depositors tried to withdraw savings that the banks had tied up in long-term loans. On that evening, Roosevelt declaring in his inaugu...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bibliography and Description of Theoretical Framework and Methods Essay

Bibliography and Description of Theoretical Framework and Methods - Essay Example In addition, the interviews were conducted on the third stage amongst transnational migrant workers in the creative knowledge sector. These were aimed at collecting information about their reasons behind their settlement at certain areas and the factors that aided their decision making process. The results derived from the empirical surveys were then synthesized in order to identify the attracting and retaining qualities of the BMR. The study has used a SWOT analysis to the data obtained concerning the BMR (135). The study identifies job, career and education opportunities as the main motivational factors for the settlement of transnational migrant workers (136). On the other hand, hard and soft factors influence the leaders and managers decisions to locate businesses in the BMR. In this study, the researcher analyses the urban planning and territorial systems, which have realized changes as a result of the urbanization process (15). This is evident from the increased commercial exchanges and the integration of work as well as financial markets. Moreover, an improvement in communication and a readjustment in the urban hierarchy are predominant. The researcher employs a bibliographical review to assess urbanization and reconfiguration in Spanish and Portuguese cities. This mainly involves reviewing published works of certain authors and other joint works. A cautious approach is taken to ensure only studies of metropolises that have been analyzed in a European, Iberian or nationally are used (17). From these studies, the urban changes that have transpired over the past decades are highlighted. In addition, the study examines the effects of compartmentalization of land use, fragmentation and the role of transport networks in urban areas (18). A field study is e mployed, which enables the researcher to gather information concerning urban and territorial planning. The information

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marsh's Metals Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marsh's Metals - Case Study Example By choosing this alternative, the company can maximize their possible profit to about $51,250,000 (or more) as against selecting the alternative to sell the rhenium to Fleishman and making a possible profit of $45,000,000 (or more). Marsh’s Metals, a privately held metals broker in Prescott Florida, has acquired 10,000 kilograms1 of partially refined rhenium ore (Re) from the Niger government for $8,000 per kilogram. Bob Marsh, the owner of Marsh’s Metals, estimates that he would be able to sell all the ore for $12,000 or more per kilogram. Bruce Fleishman Jr., president of the Fleishman Refining Company based in Walla Walla (WA), who is an old friend with whom Bob Marsh has done business in the past, has contacted him about purchasing 5,000 kilograms of rhenium ore for his specialty metals company. Bruce has offered a $1,000 premium per kilogram over the normal $12,000 Bob is asking for the ore. At about the same time Huffman Smelter and Minerals from San Antonio TX called to order 4,500 kilograms of the rhenium ore for their immediate needs and are willing to pay $14,500 per kilogram for the ore. He is leaning on selling to Fleishman because he is a repeat customer at a 70% probability, but could be convinced to sell to Huffman if the monetary figures work out. Bob has two alternatives, sell the 5,000 kilograms rhenium to Fleishman or 4,500 kilograms to Huffman, and then later sell the remaining ore on the open market. Bob wants to maximize his profit by choosing an alternative. A Precision tree is constructed for the given scenario using two possible alternatives, sell the rhenium to Fleishman or to Huffman, and sell the remaining ore on the open market. The branch with the maximum Expected Monetary Value (EMV) will determine the possible alternative. Marsh’s Metals has two alternatives, sell to Fleishman or to Huffman. This

Technical Solutions to Ensure the Building Is Energy Efficient and Research Paper

Technical Solutions to Ensure the Building Is Energy Efficient and Consistent with the Planets Ecosystem - Research Paper Example According to Speigel and Meadows (2012, p 16), most corporations and investors are seeking green solutions and want energy efficient materials to be present in their buildings. This study aims to highlight sustainability and usefulness of such products and their relevance at the end of the corporation. This paper entails the innovative and technical solutions that are necessary to ensure the building is energy efficient and consistent with the planet's ecosystem. Nowadays numerous buildings are expected to accomplish the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) ratings when constructing. Speigel and Meadows (2012, p.58) assert these standards are meant to advance the sustainability goals, diminish energy utilization, and encourage sustainability of the buildings and renewability. Replenishment of Insulation and energy deficiencies in a building can be through the introduction of high-performance windows that are thick and can guarantee diminution loss of warmth during win ter. Moreover, the windows with low E have capabilities of keeping heat either in or out (Simmons 2010, p.62). These windows can be put in the rooms where workers will spend a large proportion of their time. It is essential for the internal thermal conditions to be conducive for the inhabitants to be comfortable. This windows can be initially expensive but eventually, the will be cost saving. This is because an alternative mode will be utilizing electricity to increase the thermal levels of the rooms. In addition, there are solar windows that are transparent but encompass qualities that enable them to absorb the sun’s beam. This is a renewable resource, and it will accumulatively harness energy that is clean and comparably efficient as electricity.

Cris Isaak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cris Isaak - Essay Example After three albums that didn't sell, his career was going nowhere fast. Then a movie gave new life to his single, "Wicked Game," and suddenly he was on his way to the big time. Welcome to the club. Bruce Springsteen was calling for tickets. So was Madonna. And Sean Penn. And Sylvester Stallone. And Laura Dern. And Rickie Lee Jones. And Mickey Rourke. And some of the cast from Twin Peaks. They all wanted to see one of the most compelling rock & roll acts to hit the Top Ten in years: Chris Isaak. ``Bruce called about tickets?'' says Isaak, every inch the Fifties-style rocker in his tight black jeans, pointed shoes, white T-shirt and brown leather motorcycle jacket, as he looks up from his plate of noodles at a cheap Thai restaurant on Sunset Boulevard. In a few hours he will headline a sold-out show at the Wiltern Theater, in Hollywood. Adopting the voice of a rube, Isaak, who grew up in Stockton, California, drawls: ``They gonna give 'em free tickets? They git in for free?'' He's grinning now. ``Come on, Bruce,'' he says. ``You sittin' on a big ol' pile uh loot. Git up off it!'' ... Fingering a wooden tiki head that hangs around his neck for good luck, he says: Five years from now, it could be like Oh, man, him Plays a guitar. Everybody else has got keyboards, he's still got guitars.' Or in ten years: Oh, those guys still actually try to sing. It's boring. They sing.' You never know.'' Isaak adjusts a pair of wraparound shades that look like something Jean-Paul Belmondo wore in the Jean-Luc Godard classic Breathless. As if he were quoting from some official music-business rule book, he says, Usually, right after you make it, you can count about seven years until people go, How totally square.' '' The ship has sailed,'' one Warner Bros. executive told Isaak's manager-producer, Erik Jacobsen, in the summer of 1989. The ship has already sailed.'' The meaning of those words couldn't have been clearer. Heart Shaped World, Isaak's third album, was dead; the company had no interest in spending another dime promoting it. Jacobsen contends there was never much enthusiasm at Warners for Heart Shaped World. Executives from the company had flown up to San Francisco to hear it that spring. Not a favorable word was spoken,'' he says about the awkward playback session. It was just the most deadly reaction that I have ever seen to anything in my life. As for getting it on the radio, all they said was Tough, very tough, extremely tough.' '' For Isaak, those were dark days. Although he was loved by the media when his debut album, Silvertone, was released in 1985, his songs didn't get on the radio and his videos never made it onto MTV in any kind of meaningful rotation. No less an authority on authentic American rock & roll than John Fogerty described Isaak as being like a skyscraper against the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Macro12C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macro12C - Essay Example The unemployment rate reached a minimum of 5.5% from 7.5% at the start of term of President Reagan. The real median income for families increased to nearly $41,000 at the end of term; this was significantly higher than 10 years before and 10 years after President Reagan’s term. Inflation touched a minimum of 2% in 1986 and ended at 5% in 1989 compared to 11% at start of term in 1981. The growth of government spending was 1% during president Reagan’s term compared to 3.5% before him and 4.5% after him. Real income tax revenues increased by 16.3% even after top income tax rate had been reduced from 70% to 50% in 1983 and to 28% in 1986. The nominal federal revenues increased from $517 billion in 1981 to $1.031 trillion in 1989. On the downside, however, Reaganomics was used when US was at peace at the time, yet the national debt increased from 26.3% of GDP in 1981 to 42.3% in 1989. Secondly, the savings rate fell from 8% to 6.5% during president Reagan’s term as a result of his economic policies. Thirdly, the rich got even richer and the poor got even poorer. Reaganomics largely believed that if more wealth was given to the rich, they would re-invest this money, which did not really happen. Given the positive and the negative outcomes of Reaganomics, it can be said that while Reaganomics did work well for the years it was in force, it wasn’t a very sustainable economic policy as it relied mainly on increasing national debt to cover for the economic growth. Q2: Show graphically the effects on macro economy of a sharp rise in OPEC oil prices in a. the short run. b. the long run. How do you account for the differences in your answers to parts a and b? A sharp increase in OPEC oil prices occurs due to a supply shock that is a sudden drop in supply of oil. Below figures show its effects in the short and long-run. Short-run effect of a sharp increase in oil price is illustrated in figure 1 below: Figure 1. Short-run effect of Sharp increase in oil prices In the short-run, the supply shock causes price levels to increase due to inflation caused by high oil prices not only on oil dependant industries but also on transportation of goods and services. This leads to a drop in total output as well as price levels have increased but the wages have not in the short-run – leading to stagflation. Thus, the short-run effect is an increase in price levels and a decrease in total output. Figure 2. Long-run effect of a sharp increase in oil prices Due to increase in inflation in the short-run, unemployment starts to increase. Wages start to decrease. This leads companies to start hiring people. Also, the short-run effects bring about economic policy changes by the governments that are targeted to increase the output and to reduce inflation – which could be an increased government spending and/or decrease in interest rate. As the inflation comes under control, the real wages start to increase. This leads to an increase in demand in the long-run and the net effect is that

HR Competitive Strategies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HR Competitive Strategies - Case Study Example The competitive advantage model is being applied in all the three cases. The competitive advantage model has three parts to it: the innovation strategy, the quality enhancement strategy and the cost reduction strategy. The Benchill & Son's firm adopts the cost reduction strategy; Speke Furnishings adopts the quality enhancement strategy while Thorntree Office Solutions adopts the innovation strategy. The competitive strategy that Benchill and Son's follow is that of a cost advantage. They do not provide very high quality furniture, but their costs are very low when compared with that of their competitors. Their furniture is ideal when customers need to bulk buy and when cost is their major deciding factor.As the production process is very simple, not a lot of training is required for their workforce. The skill of the employee should not be very high because then they would demand higher wages and since the company only competes on price, quality of the work performed is not a major factor for them. Semi skilled employees work fine for them, as they will be cheaper than the skilled employees. The competitive strategy ... Speke Furnishings Speke Furnishings is known for the high quality products that they produce. This is not the only service they provide, they also give their customers delivery and after sales service. Their products are not cheap in the market but have good quality when compared to that of its competitors. Their name has become a brand name in the market and is directly correlated with high quality. They use the best raw material and their products are not defected and will not break down after purchase. The competitive strategy followed by Speke Furnishings is on the basis of quality. The HR approach that Speke Furnishing should follow is the competitive strategy of quality enhancement. The employees should be committed to producing high quality products. They should be highly trained so that they can do this quickly and efficiently. The production process should be changed according to the employees so that it enhances flexibility and improves outcomes. The focus is more on long term rather than short term. Cooperation levels should be high among the workers and they should not be concerned with the number of products they are producing. They should focus on the quality. There is less risk taking activity and the high commitment to organizational goals. The Human Resource department should ensure the policies are fixed and are known by the employees. They should understand them and be clear about the policies. The workers need job security which should be provided by the company if they expect them to produce good quality furniture. Thorntree Office Solutions Thorntree Office Solutions is a specialist furniture company. They produce

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cris Isaak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cris Isaak - Essay Example After three albums that didn't sell, his career was going nowhere fast. Then a movie gave new life to his single, "Wicked Game," and suddenly he was on his way to the big time. Welcome to the club. Bruce Springsteen was calling for tickets. So was Madonna. And Sean Penn. And Sylvester Stallone. And Laura Dern. And Rickie Lee Jones. And Mickey Rourke. And some of the cast from Twin Peaks. They all wanted to see one of the most compelling rock & roll acts to hit the Top Ten in years: Chris Isaak. ``Bruce called about tickets?'' says Isaak, every inch the Fifties-style rocker in his tight black jeans, pointed shoes, white T-shirt and brown leather motorcycle jacket, as he looks up from his plate of noodles at a cheap Thai restaurant on Sunset Boulevard. In a few hours he will headline a sold-out show at the Wiltern Theater, in Hollywood. Adopting the voice of a rube, Isaak, who grew up in Stockton, California, drawls: ``They gonna give 'em free tickets? They git in for free?'' He's grinning now. ``Come on, Bruce,'' he says. ``You sittin' on a big ol' pile uh loot. Git up off it!'' ... Fingering a wooden tiki head that hangs around his neck for good luck, he says: Five years from now, it could be like Oh, man, him Plays a guitar. Everybody else has got keyboards, he's still got guitars.' Or in ten years: Oh, those guys still actually try to sing. It's boring. They sing.' You never know.'' Isaak adjusts a pair of wraparound shades that look like something Jean-Paul Belmondo wore in the Jean-Luc Godard classic Breathless. As if he were quoting from some official music-business rule book, he says, Usually, right after you make it, you can count about seven years until people go, How totally square.' '' The ship has sailed,'' one Warner Bros. executive told Isaak's manager-producer, Erik Jacobsen, in the summer of 1989. The ship has already sailed.'' The meaning of those words couldn't have been clearer. Heart Shaped World, Isaak's third album, was dead; the company had no interest in spending another dime promoting it. Jacobsen contends there was never much enthusiasm at Warners for Heart Shaped World. Executives from the company had flown up to San Francisco to hear it that spring. Not a favorable word was spoken,'' he says about the awkward playback session. It was just the most deadly reaction that I have ever seen to anything in my life. As for getting it on the radio, all they said was Tough, very tough, extremely tough.' '' For Isaak, those were dark days. Although he was loved by the media when his debut album, Silvertone, was released in 1985, his songs didn't get on the radio and his videos never made it onto MTV in any kind of meaningful rotation. No less an authority on authentic American rock & roll than John Fogerty described Isaak as being like a skyscraper against the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HR Competitive Strategies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HR Competitive Strategies - Case Study Example The competitive advantage model is being applied in all the three cases. The competitive advantage model has three parts to it: the innovation strategy, the quality enhancement strategy and the cost reduction strategy. The Benchill & Son's firm adopts the cost reduction strategy; Speke Furnishings adopts the quality enhancement strategy while Thorntree Office Solutions adopts the innovation strategy. The competitive strategy that Benchill and Son's follow is that of a cost advantage. They do not provide very high quality furniture, but their costs are very low when compared with that of their competitors. Their furniture is ideal when customers need to bulk buy and when cost is their major deciding factor.As the production process is very simple, not a lot of training is required for their workforce. The skill of the employee should not be very high because then they would demand higher wages and since the company only competes on price, quality of the work performed is not a major factor for them. Semi skilled employees work fine for them, as they will be cheaper than the skilled employees. The competitive strategy ... Speke Furnishings Speke Furnishings is known for the high quality products that they produce. This is not the only service they provide, they also give their customers delivery and after sales service. Their products are not cheap in the market but have good quality when compared to that of its competitors. Their name has become a brand name in the market and is directly correlated with high quality. They use the best raw material and their products are not defected and will not break down after purchase. The competitive strategy followed by Speke Furnishings is on the basis of quality. The HR approach that Speke Furnishing should follow is the competitive strategy of quality enhancement. The employees should be committed to producing high quality products. They should be highly trained so that they can do this quickly and efficiently. The production process should be changed according to the employees so that it enhances flexibility and improves outcomes. The focus is more on long term rather than short term. Cooperation levels should be high among the workers and they should not be concerned with the number of products they are producing. They should focus on the quality. There is less risk taking activity and the high commitment to organizational goals. The Human Resource department should ensure the policies are fixed and are known by the employees. They should understand them and be clear about the policies. The workers need job security which should be provided by the company if they expect them to produce good quality furniture. Thorntree Office Solutions Thorntree Office Solutions is a specialist furniture company. They produce

The impeachment of Presidents Clinton and Nixon Essay Example for Free

The impeachment of Presidents Clinton and Nixon Essay Clinton was impeached as President of the United States on December 19, 1998 by the House of Representatives. The charges were perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate acquitted Clinton on both counts in a trail concluding on February 12, 1999. The charges arose from an investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Originally dealing with the failed land deal years earlier known as Whitewater, Starr expanded his investigation into Clintons conduct during the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a former Arkansas government employee, Paula Jones. In a sworn deposition taken for this case, Clinton denied having sexual relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Based on taped phone conversations between Lewinsky and her confidante, Starr reached the conclusion that Clintons statement constituted perjury. The Senate impeachment trail lasted form January 7, 1999 until February 12. No witnesses were called during the trail. The perjury charge was defeated with 45 votes for conviction and 55 against. The obstruction of justice charge was defeated with 50 for conviction and 50 against. Again, the impeachment effort lacked bipartisan support, with no Democratic votes for conviction. In March, 1998 Kathleen Willey, a White House aide, alleged that Clinton had sexually assaulted her. Also in 1998, Juanita Broaddrick alleged that Clinton had raped her in 1978. No evidence was produces of charges brought; despite being acquitted in his Senate impeachment trail, Clinton was disbarred from practicing Law for five years by the Senate of Arkansas and the United States Supreme Court. President Nixon was impeached in 1974. He was impeached because of high crimes and misdemeanors. President Nixon was involved in many things that lead to his impeachment. Under the first of two articles Nixon was impeached for a variety of things. For starters he had been making false and misleading statements to the government and the public people. He was also withholding information and allowing and encouraging witnesses to give false or misleading statements, and attempted to misuse the CIA. Nixon even went as far as to allow secret payments to influence witnesses and attempted to interfere with FBI and other investigations into the break-ins of the Watergate scandal. Nixon also leaked information about the investigations to  help the accused and insinuating the people who refuse to testify against him or who give false testimony will receive favors. He also engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens and impairing the due and proper administration of justice. I think that Congress was well justified to impeach both of these presidents. Looking at every thing that these guys did it is amazing that they were even elected to me. So yes Congress was justified in impeaching President Clinton and President Nixon.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Investigation into Stress Capacity

Investigation into Stress Capacity This physics experiment was conducted to investigate stress capacity or known as tensile strength. We had to determine the relationship between the force applied on an object and the extension of the elastic material. The link between the force applied and the extension of the spring is governed by Hookes Law. To establish this connection, we need to measure the relationship between the force applied and the extension. We did this by adding a series of masses, which builds the force on the spring (The Professor, 2016). Hookes Law: When an elastic object is stretched, the expanded length is called extension. The extension of the elastic object is directly proportional to the force applied to it also known as F=kx. F is Force and expressed in Newtons (N). k is the spring constant expressed in newtons per metre (N/m) x is the extension expressed in metres (m). (BBC Bitesize, 2016) A force causes an object to undergo changes, forces that are unbalanced change speed, shape or direction. Gravitational forces are only in effect if there are two or more masses while friction opposes motion (BBC Bitesize,2017). Forces that affected this experiment are: Gravitational Force, Applied Force, Tensional Force. Gravitational Force: A force of attraction between all objects, it depends on the masses of the object and the distance between them. The larger object, the stronger the gravitational force. Applied Force: A force when an object is being pushed or pulled by another object. Applied forces causes an object to undergo changes in acceleration, velocity and direction. The force equation is F=ma. Tensional Force: It is a force that is transmitted through a string, cable, elastic band, rope or a wire. Tensional force is directed along the length of the object when it is pulled by forces from opposite ends. The relationship between stress and strain is known as the stress-strain curve. It is different for each material and is found by recording the amount of deformation at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive loading. Strain is relative change in shape or size of an object due to externally applied forces. This means it becomes dimensionless and has no units. Stress is the internal force (per unit area) associated with strain. It is predicted that the two materials will show different conclusions. I believe that the silicon tube has higher capability of holding larger masses. It depends on the length and thickness of the material. The prediction is that the silicon tube will have the highest stress capacity and wont have a long extension while the elastic band will stretch the furthest but wons have much stress capacity. Equipment Retort Stand Clamp 1 Metre Ruler Mass Hanger Silicon Tube Elastic Band 50g and 100g Masses Notebook and Pen Procedure Setup Retort stand and clamp. To start with, place the material/object on without any stress. Measure the weight of the mass hanger. Measure the length of the material/object. Place mass on it and measure the length to figure out extension Record results on table Repeat step 5, three times for each weight to allow results to be reliable then find average. Keep repeating step 5,6,7 until enough data has been recorded for each material Milan Abraham Elastic Band Mass (kg) Force Original Length 1st Extension 2nd Extension 3rd Extension Average 0 0 14.9 0.061 0.60N 14.9 +1.1 (16) +0.9 (15.8) +1 (15.9) +1 (15.9) 0.161 1.58N 14.9 +1.5 (16.4) +1.4 (16.3) +1.5 (16.4) +1.5 (16.4) 0.261 2.56N 14.9 +1.8 (16.7) +1.7 (16.6) +1.9 (16.8) +1.8 (16.7) 0.361 3.54N 14.9 +2.1 (17) +2 (16.9) +2.2 (17.1) +2.1 (17) 0.461 4.52N 14.9 +2.4 (17.3) +2.3 (17.2) +2.6 (17.5) +2.4 (17.3) 0.561 5.50N 14.9 +2.9 (17.8) +2.9 (17.8) +2.7 (17.6) +2.8 (17.7) Milan Abraham Silicon Tube Mass (kg) Force Original Length 1st Extension 2nd Extension 3rd Extension Average 0 0 72.2 0.061 0.60N 72.2 +2.3 (74.5) +2.3 (74.5) +2.8 (75) +2.5 (74.7) 0.161 1.58N 72.2 +4.3 (76.5) +4.3 (76.5) +4.3 (76.5) +4.3 (76.5) 0.261 2.56N 72.2 +5.3 (77.5) +6.3 (78.5) +5.8 (78) +5.8 (78) 0.361 3.54N 72.2 +7.8 (80) +7.8 (80) +8.3 (80.5) +8 (80.2) 0.461 4.52N 72.2 +8.8 (81) +8.3 (80.5) +8.8 (81) +8.6 (80.8) 0.561 5.50N 72.2 +10.3 (82.5) +9.8 (82) +9.8 (82) +10 (82.2) 0.98 1.4 0.7 The Elastic band and Silicon tube was hung vertically with a mass hanger to the end of the material. Masses from 61g to 561g were added. The length of the elastic band was measured once it was at rest. In this structure, certain forces were in effect. Gravitational force directed the hanging masses downwards. The Applied Force in this case is the masses pushes the elastic material downwards with gravity supporting it.   Restoring Force directs the elastic material upwards, in the opposite direction of displacement. Tension is directed through each material pulling each end. Using Newtons Law the spring constant was calculated for each material. F=ma was transferred into W=mg to calculate gravity. To find the spring constant for the elastic band, mass was turned into dynes. Gravity times mass= dynes. 9836.07 times 0.561 = 5518.04 dynes. Then it is dynes divided by extension(cm) which is 5518.07 divided by 2.8 = 1970.74 dynes/cm which is 1.97N/m. The spring constant for the silicon t ube was which is 0.55N/m. The intercept for the best fit straight line is close to the origin and is also consistent with Hookes Law. To minimise errors, we should have viewed the ruler from specific angles to make sure it was vertical. The scale should be viewed at eye level to avoid parallax error. There were some issues with the retort stand so some equipment was not fit for the experiment and were faulty. In some instances, we needed to make sure that when the person was adding mass, he didnt stretch the material while he was doing it so the results could be accurate. We reduced the decimal places to two so that results could be easy to substitute while being accurate. The hypothesis was predicted to be that the elastic band while have a longer extension than the silicon tube and the silicon tube would be stronger than the elastic band. The prediction wasnt correct as from results it says that silicon tube had a bigger extension which was a surprising result as the material was much thicker. The elastic band had the best result because it showed results that were somewhat predicted and accurate. Through this experiment investigated stress capacity, Hookes Law and certain forces which have influenced the experiment. The hypothesis wasnt as predicted. For this experiment, we determine the spring constant and Youngs Module, we had to interpret the behaviour of two different materials. The results will be analysed to determine what is happening to the materials physically and which one is more capable of the masses. The two types of materials used for this experiment were an elastic band and a tube of silicon rubber.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Real Heroes in our Society Essay -- Hero heroes Heroic Essays

Real Heroes in our Society The Lone Ranger, Zorro, Batman, Superman are some of the characters that we stereotypically constitute as heroes. They are known to fight with courage without fear of death. They destroy the enemy within a blink of an eye. They fight using their own body strength, superpower, or some kind of weapon. They come to the rescue miraculously and leave without a trace. They are mysterious. We are unable to identify who they are underneath the masks and disguises. Yet, we praise them and ignore the real heroes that surround us regularly, ordinarily. â€Å"All of us †¦like to believe that in a moral emergency we will behave like the heroes of our youth, bravely and forthrightly, without thought of personal loss or discredit† (O’Brien 39). In other words, we are quite oblivious to the ordinary people of the world that are, in fact, the true heroes. These heroes are not the equivalents to the Lone Ranger or Superman; they might even flee instead of fight a dangerous situation. However, when they do fight, they fight with flesh and bone. They fight with emotions and tears. They fight with anger and fears. They fight with confusion. They fight for their country. They fight to avoid the shame and embarrassment. They fight because of obligations to the family, to the country, and to themselves. The heroes that come to mind through these descriptions are the ones fighting in uniforms. They are fighting in lands unknown. They are captured and tortured. They are young and naà ¯ve but they are obligated to perform their patriotic duties. They are the soldiers of my country, your country, and our country. They are the protagonists and characters of The Things They Carried, The Sorrow of War, and Crossing ... ...nd embarrassed with their true desires not to fight. There is no freewill at this point because they feel obligated to be the patriotic men. They are confused not knowing the reason for this war but that it is â€Å"to stop the Communists, plain and simple† (O’Brien 45). Unfortunately is it not plain and simple, even a million words would not be able to express the experiences that these young men endure. Unlike the Lone Ranger, the soldiers would rather flee due to the natural human instincts toward a dangerous situation. Yet, they suppress their true feelings and fight with all they have. As we can see, the ones that fight to help people that they hardly know are indeed the regular, normal, and everyday human beings. With this in mind, we cannot count on the Lone Ranger to come to the rescue; rather, the heroes are right before our eyes. They are an â€Å"everyman.†

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graduation Speech: May You Have Joy and Sorrow :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I would like to begin my speech with these beautiful words of wisdom: "Not enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined end or way but to act that each tomorrow brings us farther than today." Did you hear that? "Not enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined end or way, but to act that each tomorrow brings us farther than today." What, do you all have hearts of stone? Where are the tears? Don't you see it even rhymes? Way-today, today-way, see that? I guess I sound a little too bitter about this don't I? I don't mean to. I am actually excited to be speaking here today, even to be speaking about the class motto. I don't agree with it, but that doesn't mean I can't spend three minutes talking about it. Those of you who know me reasonably well know that there's not much I couldn't spend three minutes talking about. I've been told that I talk a lot. But there I go already, back to the class motto. Not enjoyment and not sorrow, but to act. There are some things that I regret about the last four years of my life, but the enjoyment and the sorrow certainly aren't among them. Life is all about the happy and the sad, and it should be. I don't want every day of my life to be measured by what I accomplished over the day before. Certainly, there are areas in which we as a society could use progress and action, but that should never exclude enjoyment and sorrow from being a part of living. Today, especially of all days, we should be thinking of these things. I am not worried this 8th of June about what I can do to advance myself past where I was on the seventh. I am worried about the fact that it is entirely possible that I may never see some of you again in my life after tonight. Not my best friends certainly, but all of those people we enjoy saying "Hi" to between periods, someone from an old team or a class in ninth grade. That's sorrow. But then it's surely not all bad. It's summer, maybe not on the calendar, but in our mi nds. This is the summer of our senior year. These are the three months out of our lives that most of our parents can only dream of returning to.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case of Aline Deneuve

Case of Aline DeNeuve This case Aline DeNeuve is written by Alvin Turner, from St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada. There are a lot of issues in this case. Aline talked with five random employees to secure their views on having another retreat and to take their opinion how effective was the previous retreat. The first employee she talked with was Heather. The main issue over here is mostly stereotypical and racial discrimination. Heather told she doesn’t like retreats. She also said that she was ignored to give a promotion six months ago by her supervisor Jack as she was Chinese, and that her supervisor doesn’t like foreigners.She also stated that the three day retreat held once a year won’t solve the anti-social atmosphere between the employees. This problem occurred because Heather was upset with Jack for the reason she was not promoted by him. Categorization is an OB concept which falls under stereotyping. This is a comparison process for social identity, and that comparison begins by categorizing people into different groups. Heather thought she was categorized by her supervisor Jack as she was from China. Homogenization is another OB concept that falls under stereotyping. It is a simplified process of comparing people in various groups.Here people tends to think that, people with in a group are very much similar to each other despite the fact that everyone is an individual and have their own different characteristics. Heather thought that jack was homogenization towards her as she belonged from China, and was from some kind of Chinese group. Heather also thought that Jack was discriminating towards her as she was a foreigner, and so didn’t give her a promotion. There were also internal attribution factors in Heather as she regularly took large numbers of sick days from work, for the reason she thought her supervisor was discriminating her.She also had fundamental attribution error. Fundamental attribution error is a bias, re fers to our tendency to see the person rather than the situation as the main cause of the person’s behaviour. Heather thinks that she is biased by her supervisor. These problems can be fixed in various ways by Heather. Awareness of perceptual biases is one of the ways her problems can be solved. Training on diversity awareness can lessen discrimination by making people aware of methodical discrimination as well as biases that occur through stereotyping. Awareness of perceptual biases can make people more watchful of their opinions and activities.Thus, Heather might have a better point of view about Jack, and might think more positively about the outcomes that come in real life. Another way of fixing her problem is by improving self-awareness. It is a more powerful way to minimize perceptual biases; it provides evidence that the individual’s own conduct and choices reflect these biases. Therefore Heather can have a better and positive view of what is happening in her su rroundings and how positively she can take them. However, Heather can have a conversation period with her supervisor and discuss all the matters that are bothering her.This might help her understand Jack in a better way and stop all kinds of problematic issues they have between each other. The second employee Aline talked with was Jack. Jack is the manager of marketing department. He did not want to attend the retreat. He was upset as he was not promoted to the director position. Jack thought that he was passed over because he was black. He suggested that the organization should invest more money in its security purposes as he thinks lot of employees are taking home office supplies. He also thought that the company should design a better job orientation and socialization program for the new employees.The problem over here was Jack thought that he didn’t get the promotion because he was black; he assumed that he was racially discriminated. He also made a very serious statement about other office employees, that they have been taking office supplies to their home. This to my thought was really offensive to other employees especially when he had no evidence to prove them. The only positive statement that I thought Jack made was having a better designed job orientation and socializing program for the new employees. This step would really help the new comers to get involved in various activities in an organization.In this part of the case I found two problems that took place with Jack. The first one was Jack thinking stereotypically about himself. His thinking was more of stereotypical because he thought he was racially discriminated in the organization and so was not given a promotion to the director position. The solution to this problem can be diversity awareness training. This training will help Jack to minimize discriminating thoughts in his mind. He also needs to improve his self-awareness in himself which will let him know what he thinks about himself .The second problem associated with Jack was accusing other employees of the organization, for taking office supplies to their home. This is a very serious offensive issue. To me Jack thinks like this because he is having some internal issues with his fellow employees. This can be fixed from the Johari Window model. It helps to get to a mutual understanding which eventually encourages disclosure of argument. Jack can also have a formal conversation with the organization’s promotion giving team to get to know why he wasn’t selected for the director position; this might really help him to get to know the real facts.The third employee Aline had a conversation with was June, manager of customer service. She was also not keen to attend the retreat as she thought that the previous one was a waste of time. She also doesn’t like her job anymore as it became too stressful for her. She also stated that the company kept on promising her that it will hire more customer serv ice representative, but haven’t hired anyone. She also mentioned that it is getting hard for her to maintain her marriage with such a stressful job beside. June also said that she got tired of answering customer’s silly questions.The first problem June had was shortage of customer service representative which made her working condition stressful. She can write a letter to the organization’s head stating the entire problem that she is facing and asking for an immediate solution. The fact that June’s marriage life is getting affected from her work life falls in an OB concept, work-life balance. People tend to lose control of their marriage life due to a stressful condition in their work life. This problem can be solved by the means of virtual work.She can request the company to work from her home instead of working in the office using information technology. This will let her to for work from the comfort of her home; allowing to have a better and balanced l ifestyle. Many survey came up with results that on an average, a person working in a call center works no more than two years. However, I think June should leave her current job and look for a better one, because doing something that she doesn’t like, won’t be productive for her or the company. Fourth employee Aline spoke with was Alison, supervisor of employee benefits and services.Alison also expressed disagreement in attending another retreat. She said that some male and female employees think that retreats are an opportunity for hitting on one another. She also mentioned that the company should develop a policy regarding inter-office dating. She also stated that the management is contributing to these factors by not taking actions to stop such behaviour in work place. As Alison has very strong views to her religion she is very unsatisfied with the kind of environment that goes in work place, because most religious views are strong and conservative.This is more of a n issue than a problem. This issue falls under categorical thinking, as religious views falls under a specific category. In this categorical thinking people tries to relate every possible action in the base of that category, as Alison did by judging most of the situation in religious views. To overcome this issue Alison can go through a behaviour modification session, it is also known as operant conditioning and reinforcement theory. It helps people understand that learning and visualising completely depends on the environment and the situation.The last employee Aline talked with was Richard. Richard said he will be pleased to attend a retreat because he always felt these types of ventures are a great way to improve interpersonal relationship and to socialize with senior management. Richard was the only employee amongst the five employees who had positive and inspiring attitude. There was no problem that I could find from this conversation. Instead he was more inspirational for the other employees. He is extroverted, as he seems more outgoing, sociable, and assertive. The organization should take a lot of immediate actions to resolve these problems.The company can encourage its employees to join on various training sessions on improving self-awareness, awareness of perceptual biases, meaning full interactions with one another in office environment, behaviour modification, etc. The company can set up free training sessions to help their employee learn the visuals of work life in a modified and better way. One of the best alternatives can be, giving new employees not only job training but also other training to keep office environment healthy and good. MD Samiul Karim Shaown A00355188 Micro Organizational Behaviour MGMT-2383-1C

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Severe Acne Vulgaris And Isotretinoin Health And Social Care Essay

ProblemEver had a comedo, hickey, blemish, pimple or whitehead? These are the more common names for acne vulgaris lesions, which is a skin upset that afflicts many people at some point during their lives [ 1 ] . Described as non-inflammatoryA unfastened or closedA blackheads and inflammatory pustules, papules and nodules [ 2 ] . Topographic points on the tegument with heavy population of greasy follicles like the face, back and chest are usually affected with it. Acne vulgaris is caused by anaerobiotic gm positive bacteria ( rod called propionibacterium ( P.acnes ) . Greasy secretory organs in hair follicles produce sebum, a type of oily substance.A When hair follicles get blocked, sebum that normally drains to the surface via the hair follicles become trapped in the pores of the skin.A Bacteria finally attack the sebum taking to infection, Pus and finally, acne. hypertext transfer protocol: // // Figure – shows a clotted tegument pore Figure – shows a healthy tegument pore Figures 2 and 3 courtesy of hypertext transfer protocol: // Increasing degrees of endocrines ( androgens ) during pubescence cause the tegument to go oilier, which can ensue in the development of acne vulgaris. Acne can be genetically linked, as those with acne frequently report holding a parent or other close household member with a similar tegument status. Stress can besides lend to acne eruption. Severe acne involves more scarring and happens if mild acne goes untreated and deteriorates into cystic acne. Acne is foremost treated with antibiotics ( Achromycin or Erythrocin ) , topical disinfectants ( benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin ) or topical retinoids ( Adapalene or Tazarotene ) . However, if it is a signifier of terrible acne vulgaris, it will be harder to handle as it will be unresponsive to most antibiotics and over the counter merchandises. So is there any solution or intervention that can be taken in order to bring around terrible, fractious acne vulgaris?Solution:Isotretinoin The best solution for terrible acne vulgaris is to take prescribed Isotretinoin which will cut down the happening of acne and lower the opportunities of its return. It is the most effectual unwritten agent used when handling severe acne vulgaris such as cystic acne [ 5 ] .In the beginning, Isotretinoin was developed as chemotherapy medicine to handle malignant neoplastic disease due to its ability to kill quickly spliting cells rapidly [ 9 ] . Since it is derived from vitamin A and is found of course in the organic structure in infinitesimal measures, it is a retinoid. Oral isotretinoin goes under many trade names, most normally Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Roccutane and Sotret [ 2,3 ] . hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure -image of isotretinoin capsules hypertext transfer protocols: // Isotretinoin+Oral.aspx? drugid=6662 & A ; drugname=Isotretinoin+Oral & A ; source=0 & A ; pagenumber=2 Isotretinoin has a chemical expression of 13-cis-retinoic acid and the structural expression is: ACCUTANE ( isotretinoin ) Structural Formula Illustration Figure: structural formation of isotretinoin hypertext transfer protocol: // Isotretinoin is an unwritten agent taken when acne status is terrible and other medicines prescribed has failed. It works by cut downing or shriveling the size of greasy secretory organs ( dermis bed ) . [ 6,3 ] This reduces the sum of oil produced and therefore, prevents blogged tegument pores which causes redness and acne. Isotretinoin is taken orally over a period of 16-20 hebdomads at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg/d, which is equal when covering with terrible acne vulgaris. It is so followed with a short period of remainder [ 6 ] . However, if a sudden backsliding occurs or acne is non to the full cleared up, more classs are prescribed. This is because factors such as organic structure weight, use of other interventions at the same time and acne badness must be taken into history when ordering the right dose as different persons react otherwise to the medicine. During this period, if patients are monitored and found unresponsive to the intervention, their physicians will halt therapy [ 4 ] . The medicine is taken orally after repasts as it increases bioavailability up to twofold comparative to fasting as a consequence of easier soaking up of this medicine which is extremely lipotropic into the system. Isotretinoin is the most effectual drug available when handling severe acne that is unresponsive to other signifiers of unwritten agents such as antibiotics [ 5, 8 ] . Figure – graph shows the consequences of patients treated with tetracycline/adapalene ( aˆ? ) or isotretinoin ( i‚? ) . Comparison in decrease in ( a ) superficial inflammatory lesions, ( B ) deep inflammatory lesions, ( degree Celsius ) non-inflammatory lesions, ( vitamin D ) face acne rating. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 7 shows a graph of denseness of P.acnes counts in patients treated with tetracycline/adapalene ( aˆ? ) or isotretinoin ( i‚? ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure -graph From the graphs, it is clear that the bacteria count decreases at a much greater rate when Isotretinoin is used with a far lower rate of backsliding compared to tetracycline/adapalene therefore it besides has a lower rate of follow up. This is because Isotretinoin is effectual in cut downing the size of the oil secretory organs and holding the activities of the bacteriums that causes acne. By analyzing graphs 6 and 7, the consequences of this clinical survey show that relatively to other antibiotics, Isotretinoin is seen to work increasingly faster doing it a more effectual intervention. From the research carried out, I believe that Isotretinoin has a great efficiency rate when handling acne if the class of medicine prescribed harmonizing to the skin doctor is completed. Isotretinoin should be taken daily during the first 12 hebdomads. This is to avoid a backsliding and to secure more lasting consequences which will last. [ 6 ] In Group 1: treated foremost 10A yearss of each month for 6A months. Group 2: given daily in the first month, afterwards the first 10A yearss of each month for 5A months. Group 3: conventional intervention class was used for 6A months. Dose: 0.5A mg/kg/day hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Object name is 403_2007_777_Fig2_HTML.jpg Figure – graph of backsliding rate When Isotretinoin is taken daily continuously for six months, the backsliding rate is lower comparison to group one and two. This is because when Isotretinoin is taken continuously without intervals, the drug is more effectual as it successfully has controlled the activities of the secretory organs and therefore, drastically reduces the denseness of acne vulgaris. I believe that the intermittent dose method can be used on patients enduring from mild instances of acne or who can non digest the high doses prescribed. Figure -effectiveness of isotretinoin Based on surveies found in the Journal of Dermatological Treatments, Isotretinoin produced more than 60 % betterment in 88 % of patients. [ 19 ] Isotretinoin is the most effectual drug available when handling severe acne that is unresponsive to other signifiers of interventions such as unwritten agents ( antibiotics: Achromycin or eryhthromycin ) . [ 5,8 ]Social and economic effectsâ€Å" There is no individual disease which causes more psychic injury, more maladjustment between parents and kids, more general insecurity and feelings of lower status and greater amounts of psychic enduring than does acne vulgaris. â€Å" A — Sulzberger & A ; Zaldems, 1948 [ 5 ] By and large, person enduring from any grade of acne will experience really negative about their life. They begin to hold certain behavioral traits such as societal backdown, embarrassment, low self-pride, and depression which point towards being psychologically disturbed. One agony from acne is prone to hold a negative mentality on their societal life whether in their calling or communicating accomplishments. A certain survey showed that acne can take to low employment rates in patients enduring from it [ 5 ] .To turn out my point, the followers is a testimony of an acne patient: Direct 1: â€Å" It is truly mortifying to experience like I have no control over my acne. I hold my caput down and I am ashamed to look at: people, embarrassed. I am 25 old ages old and to be moving this manner is really frustrating. â€Å" [ 5 ] In merely a few words, the patient has shown rather a figure of negative societal traits due to holding terrible acne. I believe that most societal jobs mentioned exist due to the negative perceptual experience of society on acne being caused by soiled tegument. Acne patients shy off from public visual aspects as they are disgusted by their status. There are patients who become self-destructive when enduring from this tegument job. Acne when non treated can do all types of societal jobs which finally become interconnected and psychologically upseting to the 1 that is enduring. However, surveies carried out have shown that with the right intervention of Isotretinoin prescribed, these jobs lessen. Figure 10 – Mortality Statistics & gt ; Acne ( most recent ) by state. January 2004. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure -shows mortality statistics caused by acne in different states. In the economic facet, handling acne can be expensive when utilizing isotretinoin. Furthermore a prescription is needed to purchase the drug. However, with Isotretinoin, the rate of return is really low and more lasting consequences are produced. [ 11 ] In my sentiment, this lowers the sum of money spent by patients or insurance company for ongoing therapy, doing isotretinoin cost-efficient. I besides believe the earlier the therapy is started, the more economical and effectual the intervention will be in for the patient or insurance company. Due to the high cost of securing the merchandise, Isotretinoin will be a fiscal load to wellness suppliers such as NHS. Nevertheless, research found in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment concluded that, â€Å" For the intervention of moderate/ terrible acne, isotretinoin proved to be significantly more cost effectual † . [ 19 ]Benefits and hazards:The chief benefit that can be obtained from utilizing Isotretinoin is that it clears up acne in a affair of months and is considered to be the most powerful drug available for acne. [ 12 ] . It is the lone drug that can unclutter acne after one class of intervention [ 21 ] .The intervention can efficaciously reconstruct a patient ‘s self-esteem and societal accomplishments. However, there are many hazards involved when taking this drug which makes it the first drug in the history of medical specialty that requires a adult female to subscribe a consent signifier known as the iPLEDGE. The chief hazard with Isotretinoin is that it is a tetratogenic and is considered by the FDA as Category X because it causes birth defect in developing fetus [ 13 ] . Merely after halting Isotretinoin, can a adult female see acquiring pregnant. In order to avoid gestation, adult females are told to follow two signifiers of birth control methods. Breast-feeding is besides non allowed during the class of the intervention as Isotretinoin can perforate membranes and enter the female parent ‘s milk.Figure – warning mark for adult females on isotretinoin hypertext transfer protocol: // Direct exposure to UV beams while on medicine will ensue in terrible tan due to heightened radiosensitivity of tegument. Other side effects besides include depression weariness, dry mucous secretion membrane, delicate tegument, and concerns. For some, the side effects become more serious if they are allergic to the medicine or if they consume more vitamin A while taking Isotretinoin. Patients under Isotretinoin can non donate blood for at least one month after they complete the intervention. Waxing or any skin resurfacing processs should be done at least one twelvemonth after finishing intervention so to avoid marking [ 13 ] . As there are many hazards involved, Isotretinoin is merely used for bring arounding terrible acne vulgaris which is immune to other interventions. Although there are hazards, I believe that since isotretinoin can unclutter up terrible acne vulgaris the fastest and bring forth more lasting consequences, it is the best possible solution.Alternate solutions.1 ) Interlesional corticoid injection Figure -corticosteroid injection process hypertext transfer protocol: // Our organic structures release a natural chemical, Cortone Acetate, in response to redness. Cortisone is injected into an country of redness if the organic structure does non bring forth plenty. Cortisone is a corticoid ; a steroid endocrine produced in the adrenal secretory organ. However, it should non be confused with â€Å" anabolic steroids † which are drugs used to increase strength and musculus size and come with a excess of harmful side effects [ 16 } . Side effects of this process are that it can do impermanent hypopigmentation for dark skinned persons, existent harm to steel or tendon if needle penetrates incorrect country and wasting of fatty tissues. The benefits are, Cortone Acetates reduces marking and clears up acne 2 ) Acne Surgery ( drainage and surgical deletion ) Surgery for terrible acne is done to let the septic country to run out. It is a minor surgical process. Following surgery, a unit of ammunition of antibiotics will be prescribed to guard against infection. An antibiotic soap is besides prescribed [ 16,17 ] . Surgery is recommended for terrible acne intervention that does non react to medicine. Drain and surgical deletion should be performed by trained skin doctor under unfertile conditions. This process involves nicking the pustules with a little acerate leaf and so run outing the lesion. Sometimes little scratch are needed. Although incising a lesion may go forth a little cicatrix unlike shooting corticostersoid, terrible acne lesions that do non react to other interventions need to be incised.EvaluationThe beginning hypertext transfer protocol: // is really dependable and trustable. In my sentiment, the information in the web site is factual as it is established by the American Academy of Derrmatology ( AA D ) . It has a particular subdivision dedicated to acne known as AcneNet which aims to educate on any acne related issues. The two quotation marks on page 7 were taken from this web site based on research carried out by AAD. Other beginnings such as the Journal of Dermatological Treatment, besides came up with similar information. The website information could hold some restrictions as merely research carried out by the AAD is taken into history and updates may non be current. Another of import web site used is http: // The information derived is dependable and precise as it is a reputable web beginning. There are many positive cuttings in the media sing such as the New York Times and However the biasness was nil, since lone facts and figures of surveies were taken. Another beginning used in this research is an article from the newspaper, News Straits Times, dated the 30th of May 2010. It was a study on Isotretinoin. The information was precise and up-to-date as it was published late. There was no biasness as it was an article on facts and written to educate the populace.